Chapter 11

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"That was..."


"Yeah, I'm glad we came in early now," Sienna said while breathing heavily while lying in one of the beds in the on-call room with Mark.

They had been sleeping together now for a week whether that be before their shifts, during their shifts, or after their shifts.

Sienna hadn't told Callie or Lexie yet, but she was going to let them figure it out themselves.

"Ok, I'm getting up now."

"We could go for round two if you like."

"umm no"

"come on."

"good things come to those who wait Mark." Sienna said while pulling her scrub top, she bent down and kissed him.

"thanks for the hickey, you're lucky it's covered by my top meet you at the nurse's station in ten minutes."


Sienna coughed to warn Mark that Derek and Rose were coming their way. "Good morning."

"morning" Sienna replied to Derek

"Thank you," Derek said to the nurse when she handed him a chart.

"What do you see in her? Is it the hot sex? Is she an animal? Is she a bobcat?"

"Mark" Sienna lightly laughed while typing on the computer.

"Come on. Lady on the streets, tramp in the sheets. Am I right?" Sienna choked trying to hold back a laugh. Derek sent her a look

"Oh, yeah. She's amazing. Hot, sweaty. Very dirty, hot, sweaty sex."

"You haven't slept with her yet, have you?"

"She's waiting until we're serious. She has morals. She's a lady. Besides, you know what's better than sex?"


"Anticipation. Anticipation, my friend." Derek said while walking off.

Sienna looked around to see if anyone was watching or listening as she spoke in a low voice to Mark "and how would you describe me in the sheets" "I'll tell you later darling." Mark winked at her as she walked away.


"I was paged?"

"yes, Dr Connors could you look at Mrs. Robinsons CT result."

"yes, I will Grey. Hello Mrs. Robinson, I'm Dr Connors oh my how did you do that?"

"I was running from a bear, and I got clawed by it."

Just then Mark walked in "well let me have a look at this head CT" Sienna looked over the scans multiple times. "CT is clear Mrs. Robinson."

"but it's deep. That bear clawed you good."

"God, I didn't even feel it." "Adrenaline's a pretty powerful drug."

"You're gonna have to repair the galea Dr Grey, but it should reattach without a problem."

"Okay, squeeze my fingers as hard as you can, please." Mrs. Robinson squeezed Sienna's hands "I just got happy. I just got married, and I'm really, really happy. I don't have permanent brain damage, do I?"

"No, it appears that you do not."

"Okay, good."

"Page me Dr Grey if any neuro deficits appear."

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