27 ~ Text Messages 3 ~

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C: Hey Sam x
S: Hey Carly- girl!
C: Wyd?x
S: Uhhh... nothing...
C: Sam? What r u doing?x
S: Ugh! Fine, I'm looking at pics of my crush...
C: OMG!!
S: Don't judge me...
But it's the nub 😒
C: OMG! Btw he likes u 2 xx
S: Rly... How do u kw that?x
C: Well, I asked him who is crush is. And after 15 mins he finally told me it was u x
S: Ugh! What do I do now?! Ofc I'm excited he likes me but still! What do I do?!
C: Tell him! x
S: That's a but much Carlotta, ngl xx
C: U 2 both like eachother tho and ur perfect together!
S: Uhh
I'll ask the nub out....
Thanks Carls! Gtg now bye! xx
C: Bye Sam x

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