Chapter 35:

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When we arrived at the club, I could already tell it was going to be a long night. Don't get me wrong, the club looked fine to dance and have fun at. It's just judging by the drunks outside, I would be driving. I actually want to remember my birthday instead of being drunk the whole time.

Once we parked the car and stepped outside, we could already hear the music being played. We stepped inside and saw lights flashing, people dancing and drinks in hands. My friends and I sped off to the bar. Everyone ordered some alcoholic beverage. I didn't know if I would like it, so I took a sip of Ashton's and immediately regretted it. So I just settled for some water.

Hours passed and drink after drink, I was getting worried about them. Hailey "fell in love" with a potted plant that she named Bob. She introduced Bob to Luke and he was not happy. He took Bob, threw him down, and threatened to kill him "if he ever laid eyes on Hailey again." But that wasn't even the worst part.
Michael and Ashlyn got ahold of the karaoke machine. We got kicked out when they started cussing and making fun of people. It was actually quite funny.
Calum met some girls that quickly turned him down when he tried to hit on them. I felt bad for the guy really, even if the pick up lines were pretty lame. As for Ashton and I, we danced on the dance floor. A guy tried to hit on me, but Ashton punched him in the nose when he got a little too close.
At the end of the night, we were escorted off the premises. Ashlyn and Michael tried to get back in. After many failed attempts they finally gave up.

As I predicted, I was driving home. Since the club was quite a long way from home, everyone eventually fell asleep, except Ashton and I. I was glad that he kept himself sober enough to keep me company on the long journey back. Many failed topics later, we decided to play 20 questions.

"Whats your favorite hobby?" Ashton asked.

"Mostly reading and writing," i answered.

"What do you write?"

"Poetry mostly," I replied.

"Really? You know I can be poetic when I want to," he stated.

"I don't believe you," I confirmed. "Next question. If I had a nickname, what would it be?"

"Let me think... I would call you Mi Amour. It means 'my love' in Spanish."

"I didn't know you took Spanish."

"Yeah. I learned some when I was in Mexico City." He said.

I glanced over at him and I could've sworn I saw a tear roll down his face.

"Hey Ash, you okay?" I asked him.

When he hesitated I gently held his hand. I rubbed my thumb in small circles to try and reassure him.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking is all." He answered.

I knew that wasn't the case, but I didn't press on. We sat in silence for a few moments; I did some thinking on my own.

Why isn't he telling me what's wrong? Whatever it is, he obviously doesn't want to talk about it. I'm just glad that he is sober enough to talk to me. I guess I'll just ask him later. Hopefully he's tell me before I decide to press on. Should I?

After pondering more questions, we finally arrived at the house. We woke everyone up and they were not happy. Hailey finally went home and the boys, Ashlyn and I went to our rooms. While I closed my eyes I couldn't help but wonder:

Is Ashton keeping a secret from me?

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