Chapter 25:

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*Emma's POV*

"So movie night or theme park?" Hailey asks grinning ear from ear.

"Hmmm... theme park! Ive never been on a roller coaster." I say putting my shoes on.

"Ok, hey look Calum left his phone here! Let's hack him!" She laughs holding the phone. I sit beside her and smile as we take a picture, as we post it a text comes up.

Mom: Your project with Emma is going extremely well! You have gained good publicity from her arrival. Love you Calum!

Hailey's smile stops, " Emma... i'm sorry."

I wipe tears from my eyes and nod. "Its fine, Im glad I found out I was just a charity case!"

Hailey looks at me for a while "we don't have to go Em."

I sigh, "No, I want to go i'm not letting them ruin my day with my bestie." She smiles and we drive to the park.

( 2 hours later)

"Wow Hailey you look constipated!" I laugh as we check out our first roller coaster picture.

"Well you screamed the whole time!" She sticks her tongue out and giggles.

We grab a tray of nachos and walk to the next ride. Suddenly i'm sent flying backwards as a girl appears in front of me covered in nacho cheese.

"Hey!" She yells wiping cheese off her shirt.
She has blonde hair and is even shorter than Hailey.

"I was planning to get nachos but not in this fashion." She laughs and pulls a chip out of her hair.

"Im so sorry!" I grab her some napkins and she wipes herself off.

"Im Emma" I say.

"Oh Im Ashlyn!" She says smiling.
Her name reminds me of Ashton and I momentarily frown.

"Hey lets go get some more nachos" she says leading the way.
Hailey, Ashlyn and I spend the rest of the night talking and riding rides.

"Hey do you want to spend the night with us?" Hailey and I ask.

"Sure," she says smiling.

We all get to the house and spend the rest of the evening watching movies and eating popcorn. I hear the door open and the guys walk in. Hailey shoots me a sympathetic look and I grab Calum's phone. I walk to the door.

"Hey I invited a friend over I hope you don't mind," I say softly.

Ashlyn walks in and waves to everyone, "Hi, i'm Ashlyn."

Everyone smiles politely except Michael who just stands there like an idiot.

"Calum, I read a text message from your mom." I hand him the phone and glare at him.

"Emma, I can explain." He starts grabbing for me but I shake him off.

"Theres no need to!" I yell and I run upstairs as Hailey and Ashlyn follow me.

"Hey don't let them get you down! They probably can explain you should give them a chance." Hailey and Ash saying hugging me.

Ashton knocks at my door and I let him in.

"Em, I know it looks bad. At first we adopted you to get good publicity but we each fell in love with you. I wouldn't trade the time I spent with you for anything!" I look at him and he looks straight in the eyes and I know he is telling the truth.

"Okay," I let him hug me and catch Ashlyn making kissy faces at me. I frown at her and hug him back.

"Oh and Ashlyn I think Michael has his eye on you." Ashton says winking.

"Isn't he the one with red hair" she asks laughing.

"Wait, please don't tell him that!" She laughs to Ashton.

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