Chapter 12:

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I was beyond angry. I was infuriated. They shouldn't be fighting, especially over a stupid girl like me.

When we got to my room i commanded him to sit in the chair in my room. He sat and looked up at me with apologetic eyes.

"What was all that about?" I asked flatly. I set my jaw to be more firm.

"Harry... he said somethings and i lost my temper," he said quietly.

"Harry said things?" I spat.

He gulped. I think i was really scaring him. "Maybe i said something too..."

"Like what?" I sat down on the floor to not look so threatening and unclenched my jaw. He looked to be a little more relaxed.

"Umm... " he looked down so that he didn't meet my eyes. "I said that he couldn't get a girl like you even if he tried. And he said that you were playing me like you did him..."

He whispered that last part, but i heard him. I scooted towards him and lifted his head with my index finger to make him look into my eyes.

"I really am sorry i did that to you and Harry. I wasn't thinking. I would never play you. I really like you," i said as sweetly as i possibly could.

He smiled at me and kissed me again. He put his arms around my waist and I practically melted in them. I pulled away and got a breath. I looked back at him and grinned like an idiot.

"Do you think you should apologize to Harry?" I asked.

"No way! He was talking bad about you! Plus he gave me these!" He stated pointing to his face.

I barely touched the bruise on his jaw and he winced. I quickly pulled my hand away. He saw my concerned look and took my hand.

"Im okay," he said. He gave me a fake smile and i didn't buy it.

"No your not. I'll go get ice. Stay here," i said.

When i passed by the living room, they were all eating. The boys looked scared of me. Harry looked horrified, like he was the next victim in the 'Hunger Games'. As for Hailey and Brittany, they just ate their sandwiches peacefully. The world could be ending and Hailey wouldn't know because she loves food so much. You'd have to be dying or something to get her to get away from her food. I tried to steal her food once and my hand was almost separated from my arm.

After i got the ice pack, i hurried back to my room.

"Here," i said as i put it on him.

"Thanks, babe," he smirked.

My face must've turned really red, because he chuckled.

I loved the way he laughed, smirked, kissed me... just being Ashton Irwin. I would've kissed him then if it wasn't for the ice pack on his bruise.

He looked so perfect sittin there...

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