Chapter 17:

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I woke to the sound of Liam's phone getting a text. I knew that it was wrong to snoop, but i couldn't help it. I was curious. I carefully pried Ashton's arms from me and got Liam's phone.
It read:

Hey man, the bus is fixed. Come down around 10 am tomorrow to pick it up. Thxs.

I didn't know who "C" was, but i knew that 1D would be gone tomorrow. I checked the clock and it was only 7 p.m. We fell asleep about 2 or 3 hours ago.

"Hey guys wake up," i said putting Liam's phone down.

Hailey woke with sleepy eyes.
"Her majesty needs her beauty sleep!" She replied. "Let me go back to sleep, peasant!"

"Hey! Im the swag masta! I should be the only one to call people peasant!" Louis sassily said.

"Bow down before your queen!" Hailey stated.

"Never..." Louis dared.

Hailey immediately got up and chased him around the house. Everyone started laughing! They ran back in the living room and Louis tripped on all the pillows.

"I SURRENDER!" He shouted.

"Thank you," Hailey replied.

Liam checked his phone and saw the text. His face went from humorous to sad. He looked at the boys and told them the bad news.

"We still have tonight! How about we do something really fun!" Cal-Pal suggested.

I hadn't really realized that they were still wearing their costumes.

"Like what?" Zayn asked.

"Hey! The fair is still in town, we could go there!" Mike-ro-wave suggested.

"Sounds like fun!" We all agreed.

Me, Hailey, and Brittany changed out of our sweatshirts and sweatpants. I let Brittany borrow some of my clothes.
(The picture at the top is what we changed into.). Once the boys were ready, and we decided on our seating arrangements, we were on our way to the fair.

After paying, we all scattered. Me, Ashton, Luke, Hailey, Brittany, Calum, Louis, and Harry rode the biggest roller coaster first. It literally went upside down 4 times! It was awesome. Atleast it was for me. Harry looked like he was going to vomit. When we got off, he turned 50 shades of green.
Louis stayed with him for a bit while we went to go to some other rides.

Luke checked how much longer it'd be open. To our luck, it was to last til midnight. It was already 8:15, thanks to the 30 minutes of getting ready, 30 minute drive, 5 minutes of walking around, 5 minutes of waiting, and another 5 minutes to check on Harry.

"Im hungry," Hailey said.

"Your always hungry," i replied.

After getting some of the delicious funnel cake, we sat down at a table.

"Where do you think everybody else is?" Ashton asked.

"I dont know, but we'll find them soon enough," Calum said.

Soon enough, we did. After 3 more hours of fun, keeks, and selfies, we met up at the Farris wheel. Being the book nerd i was, i couldn't help but think of Tris and Four. How they climbed up the old ferris wheel to see the enemy base, when they fell in love with each other...

Harry was feeling a lot better after the first 45 minutes or so.

"Hey guys! I just thought of a dare for y'all!" Louis said.

"Who's it to?" I asked.

"You, Ashton, Hailey, Luke, Brittany, and Calum," he smirked.

"Okay? What is it?" I questioned.

"I dare you guys, to go into the 'Tunnel of Love' and have your first kiss!" Louis said smirking.

I forgot that Louis hadn't seen me and Ashton kiss. I went along with it anyways.

"Okay, and if we dont?" I asked.

"You have to... i don't know! Just do it!" He said.

Brittany and Calum looked at each other awkwardly. They weren't dating, but i could tell that they liked each other.

"Deal!" Ashton said.

We all went in. It was the strangest thing I've ever encountered. So strange, that i don't even want to retell it. But, me and Ashton kissed anyway. As for the rest, Hailey and Luke had their first kiss and so did Brittany and Calum. It was so cute.

When we got out, i checked the time. It was 11:45. So, to end the night, we went on the Farris wheel. We got on and after a few rounds, it stopped at the top. The lights shown like fireflies down there. They were so bright and beautiful. I looked at Ashton and he looked at me. The light danced in his hazel eyes. We leaned in and kissed. Louis, Liam, Niall, Luke, and Hailey all whistled. I pulled away and grinned. He smiled at me and put his arm across my shoulders.

"You look so beautiful tonight, Emma," he whispered.

"You don't look too bad yourself," i smirked.

It was the perfect night.

When we got home, we were all so tired that they boys passed out in the living room and me, Hailey and Brittany slept in my room. I was so tired that i passed out on my bed, too exhausted for any more of my scary thoughts...

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