Chapter 29:

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*Emma's POV*

I knew that Calum would want to kill me later, but at least he got himself a date. Thanks to that stupid grin on his face, i knew that i'd see another day.

I went downstairs and those two alone to talk. I saw that Hailey and Luke were being all happy about their upcoming date. I didn't even know what it was and I already invited Ashton, Calum, Ashlyn, and me to go. I guess Michael could come too. While they were smiling and laughing, I looked over and saw that Ashton comforting Michael about something. Mike had his head down and Ashton hand on his shoulder. What could Mikey be so sad about?
I went over to them. Once i got there they stopped talking and Ashton removed his hand.

"Hey guys? Whats going on?"i asked.

They seemed hesitant to tell me, but Ashton finally spoke up.

"Girl problems," he replied.

"Girl problems? Wha-wait a minute! You like Ashlyn don't you, Michael?" I questioned.

"What? How'd you find out?" He asked.

He looked up at me and narrowed his eyes.

"I heard it from a little birdy. Nice job ruining Calum and Ashlyn's moment by the way," I said.

He just rolled his eyes at my response and left the room. Once Hailey was sure he was gone, her and Luke came over to me and Ashton.

"Guys, we decided on where to go for our date!" Hailey smiled.

"Where?" I asked confused.

"Chuck E Cheese!" She exclaimed.

I was really confused. Why that of all places?
She said that it'd be better than those other sappy resteraunts and besides, "YOLO!"
Ashton gave me a look that said, she's crazy.

"Do you guys want to join us? Maybe like a triple date?" Hailey asked.

Ashton and I gave each other a sideways glance.

"Sure, but what about Mikey?" I asked.

"We can bring him along, I guess," Luke replied.

"Then it's settled. We can go at, let's say, 6?" She asked.

Once we all agreed to the time, we went to our rooms. I told Ashlyn and Calum the plan and he went to his room. I gave Ashlyn some of my clothes and Hailey went to her house to get some of hers. Now that I think about it, Hailey hasn't been to her house in awhile. I guess she'll have some explaining to do. Anyway, (the picture at the beginning, are our outfits.)
It was already 4:45, so Ashlyn and I went downstairs.

We didn't really do much but talk about random things. After a few minutes is when I got the text from Hailey.

Hailey: I'll b there n a few. have to stay home 2nite tho. They didn't know that I was plannin on staying for a couple of days instead of 1 nite. Can't wait for the triple date... +1.

It was already 5:15 and the boys still weren't downstairs. Being the curious teens Ashlyn and I were, we stunk upstairs to see what they were up to. They weren't in their own rooms. Instead, they were in a sunroom type room, with 6 foot tall windows all around, yellow walls, and small couches. The floor was just wood and there was a fireplace at the far wall.

How could I have not known this was here?

They were all huddled in a circle, but I could still here them. Ashlyn and I just peeked our heads in, so they wouldn't notice us. They were all talking in euphemistic voices.

"Guys! I know it's sudden," Luke tried to say calmly. "But this is huge for us. We have to take it."

What are they talking about?

"He's right guys," Ashton replied. "I know that we don't feel like-"

"Wait!" Michael I interrupted.

He turned his head toward us and Ashlyn and I quickly pulled our heads out from the doorway.

"We're being watched," he sighed. "Girls, come out."

We reluctantly came out of our hiding spaces.

"Yes?" I asked.

I felt bad for eavesdropping. After what seemed like an eternity of just standing and staring at each other in awkward silence, Ashlyn came to the rescue.

"Are you guys ready to go?" She asked.

Sure enough it was already 5:45. I silently thanked her for breaking the silence and getting us out of this situation.

"Yeah, come on guys," Luke answered.

We followed them out of the room and went downstairs. Before I reached the bottom step, Hailey texted me.

Hailey: on my way. Sorry it's takin so long😒

Me: it's fine. Just text me when your here.

Hailey: K.

"Hailey will be here in a few minutes," I announced.

Sure enough, she arrived in 5 minutes. After cramming in the car, loud complaints, we were finally there. Once we paid and got our food, we all sat down at a large table in the table. Hailey, Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton all ate a pizza by themselves, while Ashlyn and I spilt a pizza.
After stuffing our faces, we decided to play games. Hailey and Luke ran to the tubes, Ashton and I went to the ticket blaster thing, Calum went to the bathroom and Ashlyn and Michael raced to the skee ball game.

Everything was going fine, until the animatronics came out. Those things are creepy! The mouse one went over to Ashlyn and Michael. It scared Ashlyn so bad that she punched him in the stomach and threw a ball at him. He went away for a while after that. Sure enough, Luke got stuck in the tubes. After getting him out, we were escorted from the premises for "being disrespectful to the equipment." We laughed all the way home, telling Calum all about what he missed.

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