Chapter 13:

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After i made Ashton rest in his room, i asked Harry if i could talk to him outside. I knew i couldn't avoid this anymore. He agreed and we stepped out to the backyard. We sat on the steps and i immediately asked the question that we couldn't avoid.

"Why'd you guys have to fight?" I asked not looking in his eyes.

"I thought-"

"You thought what Harry?" I spat. "That I'm some big player or cheater? Well I'm not! Ashton's the only guy that's ever showed interest in me and kissed me! Tell me why i would play him?!" I realized that my voice had gotten louder and louder the angrier i got.

"I thought you'd hurt him. But i see now that you won't," he said quietly.

"What do you think you should do now?" I questioned, letting my voice get a little lower.

"Get over you..." he answered.

He turned to go back inside, but i stopped him.

"Harry, wait..." i said.

He turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Im sorry... for everything. I know i don't deserve it, but can you forgive me?" I asked.

I looked into his sea green eyes and he stared into my blue ones.

"I forgive you," he replied.

I was so happy that i went over there and hugged him. He still had on a faint smell of blu de Chanel. I let go and we went back inside. We walked in on them all talking and sprawled out around the floor.

"Calum? Can i have a word with you in the study?" I asked. Everyone must've thought that i was planning something because I've been asking for "alone time" with people.

We walked into the study and he asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing its just... can Brittany stay here? Pretty please?" I begged.

I couldn't tell if he wasn't all for it or not,so i gave him the quivering lip and the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine," he said. I could tell he was happy on the inside because his eyes brightened a little more. I hugged him and he returned it.

"I'll go tell her," i said.

I ran in the living room and told her the good news. She replied with saying "awesome".

"So what do y'all wanna do now?" Hailey asked.

"We could play mini golf!" Luke suggested.

"Why mini golf?" Zayn asked.

"Because its fun, duh!" Hailey said. "All in favor?"

Everyone but Zayn raised their hands.

"MAJORITY RULES! WE'RE OFF!" Hailey and Luke yelled. Those crazy kids ran around the room like superheroes, with their arms stretched out like their flying.

"Come on! Dr. Fluke to the rescue!"

"What are you saving us from?" Harry asked.

"Dying of boredom!" He replied. "Come Hailey, to the bat mobile!"

We all laughed and followed them to the van.

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