Chapter 36:

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*3 Weeks Later*

I woke up to the alarm on my phone. It was about 8:30 a.m.

"Ashton!" I called. "Calum! Michael? Luke? Anyone home?"

I would've called for Ashlyn, but she found an apartment last week and Michael helped her move in.

The only response I heard was the barking from Bear. I let him out of his cage, got his dog food and fed him some breakfast. I quickly checked in all the rooms and soon discover that I was alone. Shrugging it off, I went to the kitchen. I found an envelope addressed to me on the counter. On the front it read,

To: Emma ❤️

I hastily unsealed the envelope and took out the letter that was inside.

It read:
I am so sorry

Dear Mi Amour,

I'm sorry that I wasn't here to deliver this to you myself. I love you. I hate to leave you, but I have to. I would've told you this in person, if I wasn't so afraid. Afraid that you'd be upset with me. Afraid that you'd see me cry. Afraid that I'd do something I'd regret. I would've done a lot of things if I wasn't afraid. By the time your reading this, the boys and I are on a plane and on our way to Los Angeles. I will be gone for a year, maybe longer. I wish you were with me.

I wish I could be with you forever, honestly. If there's an emergency, call me and I'll be there as soon as I can. It doesn't matter where I am or how I get there. As long as I can possibly be there, I will. If you are upset with me I understand. I would be upset if you left me without even telling me. I made the boys stay quiet because I thought I could tell you myself. Believe me I've tried. And everytime I did, i couldn't will myself to make that beautiful smile of yours fade. I couldn't bare to think that I'd be the reason that you'd be upset.

The boys and I understand if you want to leave. I understand if you hate me for doing this to you. Just leaving without any warning. I will always love you, no matter your decision. Just know that I love you, mi amour. I always have and will.

We can still make this work. I know that it won't be the same. And I know that more than two-thirds of long distance relationships end when the couple does not plan for changes in the relationship. But maybe we'll be that one third that makes it. We can text, Skype, call, whatever we have to do to make this work. I can try to come visit when I'm on break.

You can't even skim the surface of how much this pains me to do this to you, to us. It feels like I'm leaving my other half behind. I don't, nor will I ever, deserve someone like you, mi amour. I had so many plans for our future, but thanks to my career, they will have to be postponed.

I still can't get over the fact that we even thought about using you for publicity. I never would've thought that I would be lucky enough to even lay eyes on such a beauty like you. I can't believe that you put up with me for this long, but I'm glad you did.

I can't stop the tears from coming when I think about how much I'm going to miss you. Or if you move on while I'm on tour. I want to be there through every bad day, every frustrating moment, every time you need a shoulder to cry on and everytime you just need a friend. You are my Mi Amour and always will be. Forever and always. I love you so much.

With Love,

I put the letter down and had to process for a moment.

He left me... oh my gosh, he left me!...He left me :(

I hastily retrieved my phone from my room and called Ashton. After 3 rings he picked up.


"Emma... you found-"

"Yeah, I did," I cut him off. "I'm sorry. I just can't believe your... really gone."

"Not totally. I love you. So I will do everything humanly possible to keep in contact with you. I'm not giving up on us, not yet... Shut up Michael!"

"What?" I asked.

"Michael's making kissy faces at me," he replied.

"Where are you?"

"Still on the plane. I've got a couple of hours left though. I miss you."

"I miss you too. I'm not totally alone, I've got Bear. He'll keep me company until you get back."

"Okay. I have to go. I love you," Ashton said.

"I love you too, always."


With that, we hung up. Never in a million years would I have thought that those would be some of our final words to each other.

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