Chapter 2:

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We got to the house around 8 or so, leaving the orphanage at 6:30 and driving forever. It was my third time riding in a car. We didn't go out much at the orphanage as you can see. After giving me a tour of the house, they showed me to my room.
It was gorgeous!
(The pic above is my room!)
We kind of just talked and soon enough it was already noon. Michael said that he'd go get lunch. After telling him a very long list, he headed out.

I sat in my room and played on the iPhone they got me. I couldn't thank them enough for everything they've done, and i still don't think i ever can. Ashton came in a few minutes later. He climbed up and sat on the bed with me. We kind of awkwardly stared at each other for a few seconds until i smirked and looked down. He chuckled at my response.
"Hey," i said

"Hey," he replied.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked.

"Nothin' much, having girl problems. What about you?"

"Im fine, what girl problems?" I giggled and looked up. A fine guy like him, shouldn't have "girl problems"

"Theres this girl i like-"

"WHO IS SHE?!" I interrupted.

"Not important. Anyway, theres this girl i like and i don't know how to tell her i like her. Im afraid she'll say that she doesn't like me back."

"How long have you known her?" I asked.

"Not too long," he said. He looked down at his lap.
He must've really liked her.
Ive never been in a relationship, but I've seen some movies... what if Ashton liked me- NO EMMA! Stop it!

"Well, get to know her a little better and show her how great you are. She just might surprise you with her answer."

"Thanks Emma."

"No problem."

I gave him a fake smile, i don't think he bought it but he smiled back at me. His smile made me melt. I couldn't help but give him a real smile. I admit, i like him a little. But i wouldn't call it a crush. At least not yet.

"Come on. Lets go hang out with the boys," he said interrupting my thoughts.


We walk into the living room and see Luke laying on the couch and Calum laying beside him.

"Hey guys," i said

They both look at me and their eyes brighten up. Their so cute.

"Hey, lets go to the park when Michael gets back!"said Luke.

"Okay!" We all say in sync.

"Guys, i have a question," i couldn't hold it in anymore. I had to know why they adopted me.

"Shoot," Calum said.

"Why'd you guys adopt me?"
I caught them off guard. Luke was about to answer, but Michael stepped in.

"FOOD!" The boys scream.
I just rolled my eyes and followed them in the kitchen. Boys...

While we were eating Luke told Michael about going to the park. He agreed and so did everyone else. After i ate i changed in a flowy black top, ripped jeans and converse. Simple but cute. Once everone was ready, we all got in the van. Luckily there were 2 seats in the front and 4 seats in the back. I got shotgun with Ashton driving.

"Ya know? I never really got yall's ages," i said.

Ashton was 20! Mike was 19, and Luke and Calum were 18. I couldn't believe Ashton was 3 years older than me!
Once we got to the park, Luke, Mike, and Calum screamed, "FREEDOM!!!"

Ashton stayed with me as we talked about random things.
After we got tired of walking, we sat down on a park bench that was on a hill, away from those screaming idiots!

As we sat down, we gazed into each other's eyes. His had the perfect mixture of green and brown. There was kind of like a twinkle in them that i hadn't noticed before. Our hands touched for only a split second, but i could feel the electricity.
My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by someone laughing. I knew that laugh anywhere. As much as i hated it, i broke my gaze and looked around the park. Thats when i saw her. She was talking to Luke. I immediately recognized her. From her short height, tan skin, and curly brown hair.


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