Author's Note

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Sorry to end it here, but there may or may not be a sequel in the future. Anyway, I'm going to make a new story, but I'm deciding between three ideas. It's either going to be about the experiences of a High School freshman, a Walking Dead fanfic, or an Ashton Irwin fanfic. Comment which one you'd like to read and I'll pick a winner. Thank you guys so much for reading this! I honestly didn't think it was that good. Thank you to all the loyal readers. I love going through your comments. It makes me smile, knowing that people enjoy what I do. I just want to clear this one thing up though. In the Prologue, the picture of Emma is not actually me. I'm glad that you think that the main character is pretty. I wish I was that pretty too, guys. Anyway, thank you all and I hope to get some feedback on my new ideas for a book.

Also, shoutout to I_LOVE_FOOD_33 and x5secondsofAshx for helping along the way!

Thanks a lot!
I already have plenty of ideas for books. I'm working on one right now and I hope y'all like it.

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