Chapter 19:

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Hailey and Brittany kept saying how i needed to think of more things i wanted for my birthday so they could get me something too. I just said that they didnt have to do anything and they just argued that their my friends. Finally they gave up and gave each other a devious look.

"What are y'all thinking?" I asked.

They looked back at me.

"We'll be right back," they said in unison.

They left the room with me being dumbfounded. Something told me that i didn't want to follow them. I shrugged it off and started playing on my phone. I still hadn't got any apps because i hadn't really thought of my phone. I saw a game in the app store, it looked fun so i downloaded it. It was called "aa". That was a mistake! I was soon addicted.

They called me in the living room a few minutes later. I walked in and suddenly stopped, being shocked about all the wide smiles and and everyone staring.

"What are y'all planning?" I asked cautiously.

"Nothing..." they said all at once in a suspicious tone.

"Okay? What do you guys wanna do?" I asked.

"Well me and Luke are going... to the...uh... car dealership to... return something and... yeah! Bye!" Ashton said.

They ran out of the room and sprinted to the van.

"Calum and i are actually going to get food, Brittany do you want to come with?" Mike asked.

She agreed and they sprinted towards the van before Ashton and Luke left. As they drove off i looked at Hailey.

"What are you planning?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Nothing... I'm just shocked that they asked Brittany to go get food and not me!" She exclaimed throwing her hands up.

I just gave up trying to figure it out. I really wasn't gonna find out until later.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"I don't know... oh! We could watch a scary movie! Or do some challenges! Or-" she started to say.

"Wait! Hold on! One thing at a time! Jeez! How about we watch a scary movie first," i said.

I cut her off because that list could've gone on forever. We decided on watching 'The Conjuring'. Can i just say, not really that scary till close to the end. On the scary parts, Hailey would grab me, making me scream, jump, and fall on the floor. She laughed so hard! The next time, she was sure to get it on video.

The boys and Brittany left around 9 a.m and didn't get home till around 1 p.m. Who knows what they were doing!

"Honey! Im home!" Mikey announced when they walked in.

They walked in on me and Hailey sitting in the floor, playing truth or dare on her phone. Yes, you can play with two people! I had peanut butter smeared all over my face and she had "I LOVE LUKE HEMMINGS" on her forehead in marker. Luke just gave her a funny look and laughed softly.

Brittany was carrying a large box of pizza. Hailey looked at it like it was her prey.

"FOOD!" She shouted and ran over to the box.

She took the box from Brittany and opened it. Insides was...

NOTHING! Absolutely nothing.


"Sorry, heres the real pizza," Calum said opening another large box.

Sure enough, he was telling the truth. She devoured two pieces at once.

"Hold on! Let us get some first, then you can have the rest!" Brittany said.

"Fine..." Hailey said.

After we had two slices each, Hailey had the 4 left over. Yes, there were 18 pieces. They make pizzas that big! After we all finished, Ashton asked me to go out to the backyard with him.

We went out there and sat down.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Whens the exact day of your birthday?"

"The 6th. You guys really don't have to do anything special for me," i said.

Ashton got closer to me and put his arm around my waist.

"Your worth it," he whispered into my ear.

He kissed me on the cheek.

"Mmmm! You taste like peanut butter!" He said.

"Thank you?" I blushed.

"Whos idea was it to write 'I LOVE LUKE HEMMINGS' on Hailey's forehead?" He asked.

"Mine," i replied. "I better go wash my face."

I started to walk away.

"Come back out here when your done!" He called.

I turned around, smiled, and nodded.

I went to my bathroom and scrubbed all the peanut butter off my face. In the process of doing so, i accidentally scrubbed of some of my makeup, making my mascara smear all over my face. I quickly re-did it and went back outside.

When i stepped out onto the patio, i saw Ashton standing next to a bench. It was on the right side of the house, next to the bushes. I saw that it had our names engraved on it.

"Whats this?" I asked.

"Well, we come out here so often, that i thought we might want a place that we actually sat and talked. Instead of sitting on the steps," Ashton said shyly.

I ran over to him and gave him a hug and said thank you. He started laughing. I pulled away and looked at him. I saw that he was looking past me at the house. He pointed and i turned around. Everyone was pressed up against the window and making kissy faces.

I never turned so red in my life. To make them even more amused, i turned around and kissed Ashton. He was taken by surprise, but quickly accepted it. I then heard them come out and say, "ooh! Ashton's gettin' it!"

I didn't care, all i cared about at that moment, was

Ashton <3

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