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A/N: Long Chapter Alert! Brace yourself.

Jin's POV

"I will be home soon" his words echo in my ears as we drove further away from the gleaming city lights. My worries over Namjoon being still stuck in that brothel keep gnawing at me with each passing minute, I sat adrift running my fingers through taehyung's hazel locks which were sprawled across my lap, as he cozily slept in my embrace, his face was a picture of serenity, a small smile lingering on his lips which was a remembrance of how he was finally free from the clutches of those sinful people. Mark was asleep to his head lolling against the windowpane of the car, a sense of freedom and security was looming in the air around us.

I too was dozing off but there was still a fear of uncertainty loitering in my mind, I was wary of the two men who sat in front driving us to safety, Chanyeol and yoongi were the names Namjoon had called them, was it my mind playing tricks or they actually looked suspicious?

You should sleep too Jin, we will take a day to reach our destination, it's only been an hour since we left, one of them spoke he was of pale complexion, his slender fingers were tapping rhythmically against the dashboard of the car, he had several chains and silver bracelets on his wrists and wore a glittering platinum band in his ring finger, it looked like a promise ring to me but I dared not to ask.

I, Uhm, I-I am n-not sleepy, I stuttered indistinctly.

Your eyes speak differently, I hope you aren't afraid of us, we want to help you as much as Namjoon does, believe me, he turned his head to directly address the last few words to me.

N-no, I- I a-am n-not, I- I,

Are you worried about Namjoon? the other one spoke looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

My eyes burned with tears on the mention of his name, yes, I was worried, hell I was terrified about him still being stuck in that brothel, what was the need for him to stay back when their goal to free us had been fulfilled! Why did Namjoon have to return to that diabolical place, Harisu is a vicious woman, what if she hurt him? Or worse? I didn't even realise when my cheeks got wet with tears.

Hey-hey don't cry, they will be fine, the pale-skinned one tried to place his palm atop mine in a reassuring way but his sudden action made me flinch, as I stared at him terrified. Oh, I am really sorry I meant no harm I was just trying to calm you down; he nervously spoke.

I-I am s-sorry too, I didn't mean to react that way, I sputtered frantically.

The car came to a sudden halt startling me, as the other man too turned around to give me a tender look.

I think we should start by properly introducing ourselves maybe that will make you feel better and probably deem us trustworthy, he gave me an affectionate smile.

I am Park Chanyeol, I was the one who devised the plan of getting you out of that place and Namjoon is a very good friend of mine.

And I am Min yoongi, the pale-skinned man spoke, Joon is my childhood friend and also colleague, he gave me a gummy smile that made him look like an adorable dumpling.

I returned their affectionate gestures with a smile, I am sorry for acting this way, it's just, I-

It's alright Jin we understand, you don't need to stress over it, we know what you have been through and how hard it is to trust anyone after, but trust us we want to help you and the others, he gestured towards the sleeping boys next to me.

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