Save Me

43 6 12

Namjoon's POV


I was agitated seeing Seokjin in this state in front of me, his beautiful grey eyes that held so much fear, his entire being trembling and begging me to help him and save him, he probably did not recognise me because of the face mask that I was wearing. I was appalled at his appearance and now that I looked at him closely, he looked much different than the first time I saw him, he was wearing a deep red silk dress shirt that reached mid thighs and I could see he also had light make-up on which was now all gone due to his tears.

S-Sir P-please S-save m-me, they are forcing me to-

And before he could complete his sentence three muscular men came running towards us and literally snatched him away from my arms , manhandling him as if he was not human but a mere object , Jin thrashed and cursed at them trying his best to fight against his perpetrators and seeing him this way made something ache inside me and before I knew I lunged at the men trying to save jin from their filthy hands throwing punches at them with all my might.

The quiet street that Jackson had driven us into was now full of onlookers some peeking through the windows of the buildings, some standing on the entrances of the buildings all whispering to each other giving me disgruntled looks and leering at Jin and that made my blood boil more as I continuously fought with the three men at some point of time Jackson intervened but instead of helping me he pulled me away from the scene,

Joon stop it, what the fuck is wrong with you dude we cannot mess with these men, this is their area, do you even know who they are, he spoke trying to calm me down.

I tried to break free from his arms that were locked around my waist stopping me from fighting further and as my eyes met Jin's teary eyes I could see the desperate scream for help, for saving him from these monsters that were forcing him into something sickening that I clearly got a hint of now that we stood in this place. My heart churned with every step those men took away from us as one of them threw jin over his shoulder and began to carry him away further into the alley as he thrashed about pleading the passers-by to save him and looking at me one last time calling out for me with all his might as Jackson shoved me into his car and drove away from the place.

What the fuck is wrong with you man, why would you mindlessly go and start bashing those dudes, just because that whore ran up to you asking you to save him? Jackson spoke annoyed.

Stop the car


I said stop the fucking car right now Wang!

As soon as Jackson stopped the car and we both got off, I walked to his side and punched him hard making him fall on the ground as he looked at me confused.

Who the fuck are you calling a whore!! Huh!! Don't you dare slander him; you have no idea how innocent he is and if I ever hear you speak any bullshit about him, I will rip your lungs out, I screamed at him as I could feel my whole body turning hot with anger.

J-Joon bro calm down, I-I didn't know you knew that guy I just thought your instincts took over you and you tried to save him.

All this was too much for me to take as I let out a painful scream falling to the ground on my knees as I pulled at my hair, Seeing Jin in this state reminded me of the dream I had of taehyung his teary terror filled eyes as he pleaded me to help him to save him, I couldn't help him either wang! I couldn't help him either! I am fucking useless and before I knew I was on the ground crying my heart out.

Joon bro calm down, don't blame yourself you are not at fault ,you were the only one out there who had the guts to go and help that guy and even if you didn't know him I know you would still do the same, calm down please, he spoke as he gently rubbed my back.

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