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Jin's POV

I was startled by the halting of our car and when I opened my eyes Chanyeol stood next to me with the door wide open "We are here Jin, let's go" he smiled.

I stepped outside and a gust of wind blew my unruly bangs as I breathe in the scent of moss and muddy earth, we stood in front of a two-storeyed rustic timber house, surrounded by trees and flowering creepers, to me it seemed like a dream house. We slowly walked up to its entrance Chanyeol carried a sleeping Taehyung in his arms while mark had instinctively entwined his hand with mine. It's a safe house, one Harisu and her men know nothing about, it had been my escape from her and now it will be yours, Chanyeol spoke assuring us of the safety of this place.

We were greeted by a young boy his soft plump lips puckered up in doubt, but as soon as he saw us, he smiled, it took you long hyung we were beginning to get afraid, he spoke with a soft pout adorning his face and his cute little cheeks puffed up, I couldn't help but smile in awe at him, he was the very definition of adorable.

I am sorry love we had you worried, yoongi spoke from behind and Jimin blushed profusely at his words. He hurried us inside and helped us get comfortable in the living area as he brought us water and some refreshments.

I am sorry I didn't introduce myself to you, I am Park Jimin, Chanyeol hyung is my elder brother and yoongi hyung is my boyf-

Husband, I am your husband Park Jimin, yoongi huffed annoyed.

Hyung stop whining like a baby we aren't married yet.

So, what, who gives a fuck about something as pesky as that.

Okay stop you two, do you want our guests to be a witness of your constant bickering on their first night here? Chanyeol intervened.

Jimin this is Jin, the one next to him is Mark and you already know taehyung, I put him to bed in the room on the first floor, Baekhyun is tending to him, you mind keeping your voice down he is sick and we need to be careful since we cannot rely on doctors as we are on a run, Chanyeol rebuked Jimin.

Jin there are three rooms on the first floor and two on the ground you and mark can take whichever you like, we had Jimin and Baekhyun do some shopping for you guys, Jimin can help you out with those clothes and anything else you want, yoongi and I are here too, you need not be frightened anymore.

I gave him a soft smile and nudged Mark to get up as Jimin led us to a room next to the kitchen, Can I call you Jin Hyung, Jimin beamed at me.

Of course, you can, I smiled.

Mark was silent as he walked beside us lost in thoughts, as we entered the room it was full of shopping bags, Jimin excitedly pulled mark along with him as he began showing him all that he had brought for us, I simply walked to one of the bags and pulled out an oversized sweatshirt and a boxer, Jimin I am going upstairs I will just check on tae and then rest a bit, I spoke as I quietly made my way upstairs while Jimin and Mark kept busy in their conversation.

I needed some time alone to gather my thoughts, a lot had happened in a few hours and it still felt like a dream, I was terrified any moment I would wake up from this and find myself in that cold room of Harisu's bordello.

I slightly opened the first room on the floor, taehyung was peacefully sleeping and next to him sat a handsome young man, he was probably my age or younger, his brown locks reached his shoulders and he had a serene face as he tended to taehyung. I cleared my throat which startled him but he gave me a pleased look as he motioned me to come inside.

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