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Jin's POV

"Of all the things you choose in life, you don't get to choose what your nightmares are. You don't pick them; they pick you" I pondered over the lines I had read once and how they have come true for me, never had I thought that my blissful life would turn into a living nightmare.

My tears had dried long ago as I remembered Harisu's words on the first few days I was at this place "If crying would have solved any problems, I would have cried the hardest but unfortunately it doesn't so don't shed tears on that which cannot be undone", As I sat on the window sill that overlooked the dusty street watching people live their daily lives in this hell, I wondered how this place turned into a different one every night as extravagant cars pulled up in front of all the buildings and those lavishly dressed people turned into lust-filled monsters inside these premises.

My body had been violated numerous times even the constant scrubbing in the shower never made me feel clean, no matter how many times I showered I could never get rid of the feeling of those dirty hands and their lewd touches on my body, my only solace in this place was Taehyung we both were suffering from the same dilemma but somehow crying in each other's arms and pouring our feelings out gave a little solace, our hopes of being saved from this dreadful place was dwindling with each passing day.

Hyung, I turned around to see Tae standing at the door with mark by his side both beaming at me while holding a pot, Hyung I finally learned how to make bibimbap, Mark taught me I want you to try it, Tae squeals excitedly.

Mark was another young boy stuck in this hideous place just like us, it was tae who introduced us and now the three of us were inseparable, I got up from the window sill and made my way towards the bed as Tae and mark started setting up our early dinner.

Jin Hyung you will be the final judge of this dish; I am not trying it until you have a bite, Mark smirked at taehyung.

Yahhhh!!! What do you mean, I am a fantastic cook i always cooked at home for Namjoon hyung and he loved my cooking, Tae glared at him with a cute pout.

Okay tae I have a question, did Namjoon hyung know how to cook?

No, he didn't, hyung and kitchen aren't a very good combination he would probably set it on fire or completely demolish it, Taehyung giggled.

That explains why he loved your cooking; mark wiggled his eyebrows jestly at Tae and it was all it took for them to start bickering as I sat there enjoying their humorous squabble.

Jin hyung tell him!!! Tae turned towards me with his adorable puppy eyes and soft pout.

Yahh!! You two stop it now, we should eat before Kang comes to call us for today's clients, I don't want you both to attend the tortures of those horny men with an empty stomach, I spoke in a whisper.

You first hyung, the two of them beamed at me trying to ease the seriousness of the situation.

I took a bite from the steaming pot of bibimbap and instantly moaned at the delicious taste, the flavours melting in my mouth reminding me of a warm home-cooked meal something which I had lost a memory of, it's delicious tae, I grinned and the two of them dug into the pot and began eating to their hearts content.

We sat enjoying the food and animatedly conversing with each other since these were the only happy moments in our grim lives, those little specks of happiness that seeped through the crevices of our troublesome life, with hopes of meeting our saviour soon.

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