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Chanyeol's POV

It had been months since I had visited Yoongi's place, the last time being when I came to check upon my younger brother Park Jimin, I had known the side of my parents he was unaware of and never wanted him to get acquainted with it but fate had other plans.

I entered yoongi's place only to find a few familiar and unfamiliar faces I greeted them all as I walked up to my Jiminiee and engulfed him in a hug inhaling his sweet and calming scent as if ensuring that my brother was fine and he would no more be hurt because of the closed-minded parents of mine.

You doing good now? I smiled fondly at him.

Y-yes hyung I am better now, he answered nervously I could sense his awkwardness with the physical affection I showered at him and I simply cannot blame him for that it was my fault after all.

I do believe you are taking care of my younger brother, I jested at yoongi.

Can't you see the difference from the day you visited him and today? I guess that explains how exceptionally well I am taking care of your brother besides he is my life, his well-being matters to me the most more than mine too, yoongi spoke as his eyes were fixated on Jimin and I could see the earnestness in his words, I knew he truly loved my brother and could trust him with Jimin.

Mind introducing me to the unfamiliar faces.

Yes, this is Jung Hoseok he is namjoon and my colleague and a childhood friend, that is Jackson a close childhood friend of Namjoon and friend of mine too and that is Jeon Jungkook a friend and the investigating officer for Taehyung's case.

I bowed and greeted them all as I turned to look at a dazed namjoon his swollen and teary eyes alarming me, I heard you were unwell, do you feel better now? I cautiously asked.

Yes, I am better Chan, he spoke feigning a smile.

I sense an uneasiness in the air here, is everything okay.

We need your help Chan, only you can help us in this situation, yoongi determinedly spoke.

What are you talking about min?

Taehyung has been abducted by Harisu's men, Jungkook found evidence and Jackson met him today and the only person who can help us get him back is you and they began to narrate me the events that took place.

Hearing that name boiled my blood it was that woman I lost my all to and I dreaded her with all my heart, You worked for her and nobody knows her better than you since you were once her most trusted man, you are our only hope Chan, you have to help us so that Taehyung and all other stuck there don't have a fate like Baekhyun, yoongi spoke as he walked towards me placing his hand on my shoulder gently pressing them.

H-hyung is there something you need to tell us? what does yoongi hyung know that I don't and who is Baekhyun? Jimin enquired looking at me with bewildered eyes.

Jimin do you know why our parents resorted to violence and physical abuse when the found out about your sexuality; it is because of me, I spoke shame-faced as confusion etched on Jimin's face he looked between yoongi and I in a distressed manner.

I suggest you all take a seat it's a long story, I sheepishly spoke, Jimin and I are ten years apart I distinctly remember the day Jimin was born and I felt this immense need of being the protective and caring hyung, his chubby cheeks, pouty lips and innocent face made me adore him, I remember being the protective hyung always showering him with affection, our parents loved the close knitted relationship we had and felt blessed to have two loving sons but soon I discovered my sexuality and all hell broke loose, for a few years I kept this secret hidden I even tried to convince myself that it was all a misunderstanding on my part, tried dating girls but nothing worked I could no longer run away from my true self so I decided to come out to my parents I was 18 had just completed the first semester of university when I confronted my parents I was under the impression that my loving parents would accept me for who I am because since childhood never once did Jimin and I felt we were unloved but I was mistaken, its like my confession struck a chord in them and they changed completely I was beaten black and blue locked in my room for days with no food unless I corrected myself and in their words "Get rid of the Gay in me", Jimin was only 8 and I still remember his small hands softly knocking at my room door crying about how much he missed me and he would slip a candy or small treats from the door gap because he knew I was kept hungry and he did not want me to die, I remember crying myself hearing little Jimin's pleas but I could not give up on myself and my identity so one night I sneaked out of my room's window promising myself to never return to this hell and one day getting Jimin out of it too. While I was rendered homeless and would wander from one street to another, I met Yeon-dong he owned a boxing club where he trained fighters who would get hired by mafias, brothel owners and people from the underworld and being a broken young boy that I was my heart melted at the kindness the man offered ,he trained  me so that I could get a hold on my life, "You can live your life the way you want, no parents, no society to judge you for your sexuality" were his words that flattered me and I accepted his offer.

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