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Namjoon's POV

I waved Jackson off as I stood in front of Yoongi's house, I knew the only way to calm myself at this moment was to have a conversation with my best friend.

As Yoongi opened the door he gave me a knowing look and moved aside to let me in, I saw Jimin curled up on the sofa clutching onto a pillow with dry tear tracks covering his cheeks, I turned to look at Yoongi who motioned me to go to the kitchen as I saw him covering Jimin carefully with a blanket and gently pecking his forehead.

Is he okay? I asked while Yoongi handed me a cup of coffee.

He took a small sip from his own and answered No, he isn't.

How's the situation now? I softly asked.

Pretty fucked up, his parents have completely disowned him practically kicked him out of the house after beating him up brutally, you are seeing him in a much better condition than what he was in when he showed up at my door, I don't even want to reminisce about it, Yoongi shuddered as he spoke fists clenching the coffee mug he held.

I am sorry man, Jimin is such a lovely kid he does not deserve any of this, we live in the 21st century and people still behave this way, what will they get from misbehaving with their own child, the child they collectively brought into this world and now blaming him being cruel to him for his sexuality, this is disgusting.

I still cannot get the image of bruised and crying Jimin out of my head, why would they hurt their own child this way Joon, I mean, arghhh!! I can't I simply cannot imagine my Jimin going through so much pain, Yoongi spoke as he pulled at his hair.

I placed my palm on top of his trying to reassure him so what have you thought now?

I told Jimin he is staying with me now that's it, there is no need of keeping our relationship hidden anymore he can openly say that he loves me and he doesn't need to sneak out of his house anymore to come and meet me, Yoongi shrugged.

I had never imagined that my best friend min Yoongi would melt into a puddle just by one small bean called Park Jimin. We first met Jimin at the dance school our company usually auditioned kids from and I could see Yoongi instantly being mesmerised by the young boy. His voice was exceptional and his dance moves were even more beautiful.

At first Yoongi was under the impression that it was one sided because everybody was aware that he was the man nobody wanted to mess with, he preferred to call himself a rock devoid of any expression no matter what happened he had a poker face on always but it was Jimin that could bring a small curve on his lips and he could never imagine someone like Jimin so full of life and energy being in love with him. It was Jimin who confessed to him about his feelings and at first Yoongi was extremely apprehensive about the relationship the seven year age gap made him hold back, Jimin was only 17 back then but somehow Park Jimin's persistence broke through the tough walls of Min Yoongi's heart, the ones that had already developed cracks when Jimin walked into his life for the first time. It has been a year since then and the both of them have been going strong.

Jimin belonged to a strict family and I know there were times he would sneak out to meet Yoongi, sometimes even crying over lying to his parents being unable to come out to them and confess that he loved Yoongi. Recently when Jimin sneaked out of his house his parents who had somehow grown suspicious followed after him and caught him red-handed, ever since then he was locked in his room removed from the dance school, he was a student of. I remember consoling Yoongi who ended up going and creating a scene outside Jimin's house demanding his parents to let him out, he even took the police with him to get Jimin out of that place but nothing worked out, the first time I ever saw Yoongi crying was that day, he cried like a baby blaming himself for not being able to protect the one he loved.

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