My first love

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I'm sorry this went up really late, I have a science test this coming week and I have to study really hard for it. By the way this imagine is not finish, I thought I'll be better to post it because I haven't posted anything in a long time.

part 1

My troll of a best friend, Rose, has been teasing me for weeks, ever since I told her about my crush.

"Eveline, look who it is." she squealed as he came into the classroom. I shook my head. She started giggling and nudging me towards him. "Go talk to him!" she whisper-yelled.

"Hey!" I protested in the same tone. "I'm not gonna talk to him!" I returned my attention to the teacher.

"Aww... Why not?" she pouted, but then that signature cheeky grin stretched across her features. "Oh yeah, because all do is sit there like 'Uhh... uhh... uhh...'"

I pushed her face away. "B-Because there's nothing I can talk to him about, an-and we barely know even know eachother!" I stuttered, waving my arms around for emphasis. I could feel my face going a little red.

I hadn't realised I had been raising my voice until the teacher asked me to move... to sit next to my crush...

Gee, thanks dude!

His name is Robbie Kay. I've liked him since 7th grade, but never worked up the courage to talk to him.

I relunctantly collected my things and trudged over to the desk. I couldn't stop glancing up at him for the rest of the period.

The bell finally rang, and I wasted no time, grabbing my things and pushing my chair in, ready to leave the classroom when someone called me.

"Hey, wait up!" I turned around and saw Robbie walking up to me, and I red when we made eye contact.

"H-Hey. What's up?"

"I noticed you staring at me during class. Was there something you wanted to tell me?" he asked. Well, damn... What the heck was I was supposed to say now!? I was freaking out! "Hello? You alive?" I jump a little bit, and snap back out of my rapid thoughts.

"Oh, uh... Never mind. We don't really know each other, so..."

Eveline, why do you suck at this!?

"I don't mind. You can ask." he replied, smiling a little bit and scratching the back of his head. My cheeks were going redder. I bet I looked like a cherry right now. "Oh, I'm Robbie, by the way." he added, holding out his hand, which I shook.

"Yeah, I know. We've been in the same classes since seventh grade. I'm Eveline." His eyes widened a bit in realisation.

"We have? I can't believe we've been in the same classes for so long and I don't know anything about you. You know what, we should hang out sometime."

"That would be nice." I replied, and he smiled again, making me go even redder if that were possible.

"Well, see you in Math." he said.

"See you." He waves over his shoulder as he walks away, and I let out a nervous sigh. I put my books in my locker and went to find Rose.

I walked into my math class and was about to take a seat when a familiar forced called my name.

"Eveline!" It was Robbie. "Come sit next to me!" he said, smiling.

I smiled back, hurrying over to his desk, and I sat down beside him.

"Please turn your textbooks to page 29." the teacher requested. I turned to said page and started trying to work out the problems.

Math was definately not one of my strong points. I had been sitting there like a lemon for ten minutes, mulling over one question.

"Which one are you up to?" Robbie asked, glancing over at my sheet. "Ahh..." He scratched the back of his head. I was still on the first question.


"If you need help, you can ask. I don't bite." he offered, smirking a little at that old joke.

"Yeah, I... kinda suck at math..." I admitted, smiling at him.

"Well, I'm actually really good at math. I can help you."

"Yes, please."

He was trying his best to explain it, but I wasn't getting much better.

"Do you get it now?"

"Yeah..." I mumble. I stare at the page for a while, glancing to the side. Robbie was just staring at me, smirking. "No..."

He laughed, but tried again, and I eventually got the hang of it.

The class finally, much to my relief. I gathered my things and was about to leave for lunch when Robbie spoke to me.

"Hey, Eveline. You wanna hang out?" he asked. "It'd be really cool to get to know you more."

"Yeah. That would be great!" I replied, smiling at him.

We walked through the courtyard, looking for a spot to sit.

"How about over there?" He pointed to a bench underneath a tree.

"Sure." We headed towards it and I dumped my bag on the ground beside it.

"I still can't get over the fact that we've been in the same classes for years and we've never even spoken to each other." he said.

"Yeah. I know, right?" I could feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach, and I knew my cheeks were going red.

"So, what do you like to do?" he asked.

"Uh... I like drawing, some sports, playing video games, listening to music and watching movies . What about you?"

"Sports, video games, reading, watching movies and listening to music and acting." he answered. "Hey, do you sing?"

"Y-Yeah... I sing sometimes, but I don't think I'm very good. Can you sing?"

He chuckles. "No, but I don't think I'd be terrible at it."

"Do you act?" I asked, slowly.

"I do, actually, I've been acting since I was nine."

Part 2 is coming!! Oh and could you please go read my friend @ShezaB fanfic she's an amazing writer and I would really appreciate it!.

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