Hidden feelings

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This imagine is for @Fandomsbaby, thank you for your request, I really enjoyed writing it, I hope you like it too your liking "enjoy!"

Ever since I was little, I've never thought of myself as pretty. My mum's friends always tell me I'm pretty, but no guys. But most other girls around me were attractive...

I was going through a hard stage of life. I had thought putting make-up on would make me look better, but then I realised it wasn't the cosmetics that made girls beautiful. It's the personality, the beauty inside. I say that everyone is beautiful, but I've never really pictured myself that way. I wonder why...

In Year 5, I met a boy. His name was Robbie Kay. He had dirty blonde hair, forest green eyes and really sexy eyebrows. Hahaha. Did I forget to mention he's my best friend? When we first met, I wasn't very confident. I used to be the type of girl that didn't have any close friends, because I was too shy to talk to most people. I was the wallflower that would sit at the back of the class, just doodling and not calling any attention to myself.

One day, I was sitting in class, doing my usual doodling when I felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see who it was.

"Hi, I'm Robbie. I always see you doodling in class. I was just wondering what you were drawing." he said with a smile.

"Uh, hi... I'm Alyssa. Y-You can take a look if you want." I replied timidly. Robbie moves his seat closer to mine and leans over.

"Wow! You're really good." he commented, admiring my drawing.

"Uh- Thanks." I couldn't help but blush a little at the compliment. I was glad he liked it, though.

"You don't really talk much, do you?" he said, gazing directly at me.

"Yeah, I guess I don't." I answered, fiddling with my pencil.

"Well I think it's cute." he adds with a chuckle.

"Cute?" I look at him, surprised and confused. That would be a first, hearing someone say being shy is cute.

"Hey, do you want to hang out sometime? You seem interesting and I'd like to get to know you better... Oh, if you want to of course."

"U-um, sure."

As soon as the bell rang, I grabbed my books and was about to walk off.

"Alyssa, wait up!" I stop and turn around. "I thought you said we could hang out for a while." he said, out of breath.

"You meant now? Oh, uh- okay." We walked to my locker in silence.

"So what are your hobbies? Other than drawing?" he asked, finally breaking the awkward pause.

"Well, I like listening to music, reading, watching Youtube videos, movies, and shopping. What about you?"

"I like listening to music too. Also, playing rugby and hanging out with my mates."

"That's cool." I replied as I place my things in my locker, and we walk to the front yard.

"What music do you listen to? Robbie asked.

"I listen to Taylor Swift, The Vamps, 5sos, One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Calvin Harris and a few others. And you?

"Calvin Harris, Antarctic Monkeys, Wolfgang Gartner, Mord Fustang, stuff like that. Hey, this might be a stupid question, but do you play any video games?"

"Actually, yes I do. I love playing video games. I could do it non-stop. What games do you playing?"

"I play all sorts of games! Racing, FPS's, RPG's, horror games, you name it." he said with enthusiasm.

We sat there for the whole break, talking about the most random things, but we had a great time. It felt so nice having someone to spend the break with and getting to know eachother. For the first time in my life, I didn't feel so shy and lonely, and was a great change.

That's where it all began. I would tell you more, but you'd probably be bored out of your mind by the time I was done. Hahaha.

Right now, I'm sitting on my bed with my laptop in front of me, watching youtube videos and waiting for Robbie to come over.

A few weeks ago, Robbie and I went to the movies, and we watched Into the Woods. It was such an awesome film, and I really recommend it. But anyway, when the movie ended, we were having a staring contest, and for the first time in six years, I felt something in me that I thought I would never experience. I had grown to really adore my best friend, but I have no idea what I should do. Should I tell him or keep quiet about it?

Suddenly, the doorbell rings, snapping me back into the present day.

"Yay, he's here!" I cheer to myself. I waste no time and run down the stairs to get the door.

"Hey!" he says with excitement. "What do you want to do today?"

"Come on." I say, ignoring his questions and grabbing his hand to pull him upstairs.  He sits on my bed and I start blasting out music, singing and dancing along. "Dance with me!" I say, grabbing his arm and pulling off the bed.

"Alyssa!" he complains. "I don't like dancing, you know that!"

"Oh come on, have fun!" I say, swinging my hips side to side.

"Do you remember when we first met? You were so shy. And look at you now, so full of joy." he said, staring at me with a funny expression. He was right. I would still be that kind of girl if it hadn't been for him. I wouldn't be nearly as confident.

I know I can't dance to save my life, but it's just something that makes me happy, spending time with my friends.

"I know. Thank you for being there, being my first close friend ever."

"You know what?" he asks.


"I still think your cute."

"Y-you do?" He steps closer to me and takes my hands in his, and we stop dancing. "I've always thought you were cute, and I probably should've told you a long time ago, but... I love you. I've wanted to tell you that for a while now, but it never came out. There have been so many times I've wanted to kiss you. Well- what I'm trying to say here is... Will you be my girlfriend?"

My cheeks flush dark red. "O-Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I love you too, Robbie."

He smiles and leans in. Our lips touch and his hands slip out of mine to wrap around my waist. I wrap my own around his neck, and the kiss soon breaks. I look into those gorgeous, forest green eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too, beautiful"

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