Learning to rid a bike

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This imagine if for @MissKris123. I hope you in joy reading to as much as I did writing it.

"Okay Kristen grab the Handel's and start paddling. I'll be right here to support you" Robbie says holding onto the bike. I grab the Handel's and put my foot onto the peddle. "I got it" I say with excitement "Kristen watch out!" Robbie shouts. Next thing I know I crash into a tree and the bike lands right on top of my leg. Robbie comes running up to me and picks me up and lays me down on a bench "are you OK?" Robbie says with a worried look on he's face "Ahh my foot hurts" I wine "I'll go get you an ice pack" he walks into the house and I wait for him to come back. "Here you go love" he says handing me the ice pack "thanks". Me and Robbie have been friends since we were in Kindi and I must admit I have a crush on him. I wanted to tell him today but now I don't think I have the nerve too I just mad a complete fool out of my self.

"I think I should take you to the doctors to get your leg checked"

"Its fine don't worry about me"

"How can I not be worried you just got really badly injured"

"Don't worry I'm going to be okay"

"If anything happen to you ......."

I cut him off "I'll be fine Robbie" I say rubbing he's back

"I know this is a really bad time to tell you this but I'm going to tell you anyway" he takes a deep breath "I'm worried about you because I really like you. I had a crush on you for a while now and seeing you get hurt is my worst nightmare"

"Robbie that's the most sweetest ........"

He cuts me off and he's lips touch mine "I've been wanting to do this for a really long time now" he says braking the kiss "I love you Robbie" "I love you too"

Robbie Kay & Peter Pan ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang