The Heartrender

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I woke the next day as the sun began to shine into the window. I look over to see Armis sound asleep on the bed next to me, and for a second I admire her calm face. Why are people always so cute in their sleep?

I got ready for the long trek to Os Alta, and by the time I finished, Armis had woken up and was sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Are you ready to head out?" I ask a sleepy Armis.

She simply nods and as we leave the room, I bend the light around us, making us temporarily invisible. In her sleepy state, she doesn't seem to notice.

I decide to use a lesser known trail, and pull back the invisibility. Things were going smoothly, Armis still needed to take breaks every so often, but her wounds were healing nicely.

As we walk through a part of the trail that is surrounded by forest, Armis stops walking suddenly.

"Uh, Armis, you okay?"

"There are people coming."

I give her a questioning look, but pull my shadows around me, readying myself, just in case.

 I reach to the air around me and feel the presence of at least 5 people approaching from our left with ill intentions.

I glance at Armis and she is looking towards the presence, focusing on something unknown to me. I motion for her to follow me and we back up into the woods behind us, away from the approaching people.

Soon enough they present themselves, they were tall and had blond hair, most likely fjerdan, each of them have a weapon in hand. I eavesdrop on they're conversation, and hear them mention killing a 'sun summoner'. I lift my hand and shoot one of my shadow knives into the largest and most formidable person.

 As their body falls the others begin to look our way, but before any of them could take a step, blood began pouring out of their ears and mouths, and each of them dropped to the ground.

I looked towards Armis,"Heartrender?"

She nods hesitantly and adds," What the hell kind of Grisha are you?"

I consider lying to her," I'm a Shadow Summoner."

Her eyes widen, but she doesn't look scared.

"Okay." is all she says before turning and continuing down the trail we had been traveling.

I stand there stunned for a few moments, before she yells," You comin' or not?"

I take off in a sprint, stepping over one of the bodies, to catch up with her.


kinda short but its fine ig 

this is the first story I've written where I actually know where its going and the ending, so that's fun.


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