The Princess

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(TW Panic Attack)

As we near Os Alta, the tall wall that surrounds the city becomes visible, causing both mine and Armis' eyes to go wide.

There's more people in this city than I could have ever imagined. Armis seems to notice my uncomfortability and attempts to distract me from the bustling townspeople, but before a word leaves her mouth the royal guard is surrounding us.

"Princess Armis, on behalf of the king and all of the royal guardsmen, we apologize for not being able to escort you to the castle on time and causing you distress."

The guards all dismount their horses and bow to the princess. I make eye contact with Armis, and she nods, letting me know it's okay to stay where I am.

The royal guard that apologized stood up and announced," If you would like, Your Highness, we can escort you to the palace at this time."

She nods to the guard and turns to me," Go to the Little Palace, I promise I will find you later."

I turn and head toward the extravagant palace, ironically named the 'Little Palace'.

 If this place is considered 'little' I really don't want to see the 'Grand' Palace.

Walking through the Little Palace, I begin to feel light-headed. I feel like everyone I pass in the hallways are staring into my soul. 

I need to find a small room, as quickly as possible. Luckily, the first door I opened, revealed a room that was completely shrouded in black. 

I curled myself into a ball and pulled the shadows around me, my breaths were shallow and my hands were shaking.

I hated when I got like this, I hated feeling weak.

I was so focused trying to comfort myself, that I didn't notice the door swing open on silent hinges. I looked up and saw a man staring at me, or more specifically, at the shadows surrounding me. I quickly dispersed my shadows and stood up, dust off my pants. 

The man didn't move, he still just stared, his eyes wide, shock evident on his face.

I took my opening and ran out the door, trying to find my way out of the palace through the winding hallways. 

Eventually I find myself outside and I run towards the thick woods beside the palace. I run until i can't any longer, then I sit leaning against a tree, tears stream down my face.

I swipe at them harshly. Why am I even crying? PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER.

I hear foot steps nearing me and I tense up. I look over my shoulder and I see Armis.

We make eye contact and she rushes over to me. 

"What happened? I saw you running from the palace, are you okay?"

I try to answer, but  can't think of the right words to say. Though, she seems to understand and pulls me into a hug. After a few seconds I feel my heartrate slow down, and my breathing starts to even out.

 I realize it must me Armin's doing. I open my mouth to thank her for calming me down, but my vision gets fuzzy and I feel myself slip into unconsciousness. 


ok so, i'm gonna try to post 2 chapters a day, but we shall see. each one is around 500 words long and yet I have trouble writing a 300 word essay for school, but we're not gonna talk about that.



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