Hidden Leaf?(Chapter16)

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As we were going through the forest at high speed I look back at Hidan who looked like he was deep in thought. I know he don't want to go on this mission with Deidara but we had no choice. Hidan caught me looking back at him. "What the fuck are you staring at?" He asked me.  I just blush and look away and continued jumping across the trees. Deidara stopped on a branch just ahead of us and motioned for us to stop.

 "What is it?" I whispered to Deidara. Hidan stopped right behind me pushing me to the opposite side of him away from Deidara. I was getting ready to yell at Hidan when I heard rustling in the bushes below us. 

"We are never going to get there if you keep stopping to rest Naruto. " Came the voice of a girl with short pink hair. "But Sakura it's sooo far and we have not stopped for a whole day and I'm hungry." wined the short-haired blonde boy. 

"Naruto we are also most there so just hang in there for a little longer." Came the low tone of a grey-haired man who looked to be the leader of their group. "Ok, Kakashi Sensei but I could really go for Ichiroku Ramen." Said Naruto holding his stomach.

We waited for them to leave and then went back on our way. I hung back a bit to talk to Hidan. 
"Looks Hidan I know you don't want me around Deidara but you don't have to be so obvious about it" I said in an annoying tone. Hidan just looks at me with an Icy stare. '' The fuck do you mean? You know he wants you and I don't like or want you getting close to him." He yelled at me.

Deidara just looks back at us yelling at each other and starts smirking. "The fuck you laughing at you bastard?" Hidan asked Deidara in annoyance. "I don't think this is the time for a lovers quarl do you?'' He asked in a sarcastic tone. I look at Deidara with the idea to kill him right on the spot and leave him there where he falls but instead ignored him and talked to Hidan. 

"Hidan that reminds me wasn't that Naruto kid that was back there the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki that I heard so much about?" I asked him " Yeah but he isn't the one that we are after right now. That Pein in the ass left that job to himself and Konan. I know I could take him in an instant." Hidan told me while pouting. "I know you could Babe but let's just focus on the mission that we have now," I tell Hidan while jumping through the trees beside him.

Hidan just nods as we are about at our destination


 Sorry so short i had massive writers block again but hope its ok for now XD please vote and comment 

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