Sparing (Chapter 13)

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I got out of the shower and dried off, blow-dried my hair, and got my clothes on ready to go and train with Hidan. I walked out of the bathroom while putting my hair in a ponytail. "I'm ready to go Hidan." I yelled to him while grabbing my cloak from the foot of the bed. " Okay then let's go fucking get started then." Hidan said while standing up and walking towards the door.

 All I could do was smile at him. "He protected me from Deidara and I'm happy about that but I have to get stronger myself." I thought.  We took off out of the hideout and back to the spot where Deidara and I was training the day before. "First things first," he said as he took off his cloak and threw it to the ground. I look at him with a confused expression on my face.

"Take off your cloak and get ready to spar with me." Hidan said as he took a fighting stance. I took off my cloak and charged right at Hidan. I took my kunai and aimed right for his shoulder. Hidan suddenly stepped off to the side and swiftly kicked me down in mid air.

  "Damn."  I had to quickly dodge out of the way as I saw HIdan's scythe heading straight towards my face. I slid across the ground as I jumped up backed out of the way, I look up to see Hidan starring at me and he has not even broken a sweat. " What's wrong baby?." Hidan asked me in a sarcastic tone. " Wanna give up?"

"No fucking way am I going to give up so easy." I say to him as I charged. Hidan had put his scythe in front of him as to block my oncoming attack. As I got closer Hidan had jumped in the air leaving his self wide open. I jump up to meet him coming down sending a blow straight to his chest causing him to be sent flying across the ground. 

"Damn that one caught me off guard." Hidan said as he was getting back up to his feet." You just left yourself wide open is all...Baby." I said with a smile. Hidan starts to laugh hysterically and charges at me, and before I knew it I was flat on my ass with a kunai lodged in my chest. "WHAT THE HELL HIDAN?!" I screamed at him.

"Whats wrong baby? Isn't payback a bitch?" He asked laughing. He comes over and helps me up like nothing had happened. He puts his arm around my neck and I kick his feet out from under him. "Don't baby me," I said smirking at Hidan while he was on the ground.

 He pulls me down on top of him and kisses me. I pull away. "What the fuck Hidan, I thought we were sparing," I told him while I sat up on top of him. "We are, but you just look so damn sexy." He said while pulling me back down..

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