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Anika POV
"Miss Bailey pay attention" the teacher said snapping me back to reality.

"1689" I answered the question. I was so stuck on that boy at the house, I need to see what his name is.

The bell ring which was time for lunch and that's when I got a text from him.

Text Message
London: D said is anybody picking on you ?
Me: no, why ?
London: D wanted to know. Not me fat leg.
Me: yeah whatever 🙄

I walked in the lunch and the girl that usually messing with me looked scared so I know D did some and ima say some to him when he get back.

I grabbed my lunch and went outside on my phone.

Text Message
Me: dude ?
London: what you want ?
Me: what's your name ?
London: London why ?
Me: oh that's a cute name for a boy.
London: thank you nie pay attention in school.

I didn't even text back but I'm thinking I'm crushing right now though but I'm 16 and he probably 21, 22.

He so fine though, I have no interest in these little boys in this school cause they play everyday.

Text Message
Me: I'm in lunch so stfu 🙄
London: 🥱 ! Yeah whatever. Fight me
Me: sure 😌.

I didn't see if he texted back cause lunch was over but I'm ready to get done with school though.
Dimitri POV
I had to take a little business trip cause I was working on some big that can get us paid. Me, dreka, and my cousin "I'm here to see Mr.El blonco" I said through the gate thinking.

That gate opened up and man this niggah is living large dawg "ready baby" she said.

I parked the car and we got walking to the door.

It was two big ass niggahs holding M13's, I didn't know they was real. Thought call of duty just made it up but ok.

We walked in and oh my goodness "wow nie this is nice" she said. She ain't fucking lying dawg "follow me" the man said.

We followed and it was hell of walk cause this a big ass house.

Walked through some big ass door and there he was. "So let's get down to business" he said in his Mexican accent.

"So I'll 30%, you sell 20%, bring me 40% back and I'll pay you 10%" he said.

He showed me how much he paying and then zeros looked like titties dawg. Ian never seen them many zeros "deal" I said.

"Load him up" he said and they came with the bag carrying them to my car. I got to sell this shit by next week gone be easy cause niggahs been going crazy over this.

We finna get broke off.
Anika POV
I finally got out of school walking home. "I was coming to pick you up girl" London said. I hopped in that car fast.

"You should've called and told me then. Nice car" I said.

It smells just like him when you get in his car. "Aye girl don't get no dirt in here on that" he said. What he talking about, nie at this point you just talking.

We got to the house which I'm gladly did cause he was bugging bout that car. I'm finna go in here and eat the hell out this pizza.

I popped that bih in the microwave "man why you eating my pizza" he said. Oops !!!

"Sorry I got money to get more calm down little buddy" I said walking away to be snatched back.

"Move please" I said and he grabbed my throat.

"I don't know who you take me for but don't try me. I been letting you slide but not this time" he said grabbing the plate.

Ian never been grabbed by my throat like that and he lucky I'm 16 cause I would've been got at him.

I just stood there "Nie order the pizza again" he said.

"Ian ordering nothing, you do it since you grown" I said going in my room. D was calling me but Ian answer.

London came in my room "here girl" he said.

"Hello" I said.

"Why you ain't answering your phone fat neck ass" he said through the phone.

"Cause D I'm watching naked and afraid. What you want" I said. I looked up and seen this boy starring at my body but I don't mind trust me.

"Your mama said she was coming to visit you so be on the look out" he said. I just hung up the phone on him.

If she don't love me then why want to come fucking visit me "why you do that" London said.

"Yeah whatever get out my room" I said and he stood there like he was deaf so I'm finna push his ass out.

"Don't touch me" he said and I pushed his ass out my room. He busted back through the door picking me up and putting me to the wall.

I wrapped my legs around his waist "if you think I won't kill you in this bitch you wrong" he said.

Lord the things he can do to me while on this wall. He whispered something in my ear which I can't say but it had me wet.

He dropped me down and left out the room.
Later That Night.....
I heard a knock at the door and I looked at London. "I don't know" he whispered. I got up looking through the peep whole and who ever it is covering the peep whole.

I opened the door and it was my mama so I closed the door in her face, I don't care.

"That was rude anika" she said walking in.

"Not cool anike" London said saying my name wrong like some fucking funny.

I just rolled my ass. "I came to see how you doing" she said walking to me.

"I'm okay now leave" I said.

"It's okay sir, I'll just come back tomorrow" she said leaving.

About fucking time.

"You need a fucking whooping" he said. I just waved him off going back to my room.

Any comments ? Don't forget to vote and share my book plzzz 🧡🙏🏾.

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