Angels and Seraphims

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Dont let the name fool you, these beasts are anything but angelic. 

You can't really take pictures of them, the image gets corrupted. so the image above is the one I got.

The name is based on their look, imagine a mix between a western-style angel and a biblically accurate angel and you have this thing.

A 7-foot tall person surrounded by many huge wings and a halo of gold and eyes. These odd creatures also always float in the air, making it harder to get near.

Surrounding them is a very bright light, it's hard to look at them so I recommend wearing sunglasses for them. the light they produce is different than normal light, when it makes contact with skin it starts to burn it so cover up any parts of exposed skin. (unless you want a really shitty tan) 

They do attack if you come within eyesight, and since they have eyes all over stealth isn't an option.

The way they attack is by swiping at you with their long wings which are lined with tiny sharp blades. also since they have a lot of wings they can start blowing gusts of wind towards you to knock you off your feet.

The only way to destroy them is by destroying the core in their chest, it's in the shape of a pure glass Eye. these things can be difficult but overall arent too difficult for an experienced hunter.

I once was bet 500 dollars to take one of these down with a bow and arrow, needless to say, I lost 500 dollars and was in the infirmary for a week and a half.

Seraphims on the other hand is a fuckton tougher and stronger. even more, wings to protect themselves with and a tougher core made of dense crystal. 

their wings are also sharper and longer, and the light they produce can blind you without the proper precautions taken.

I also was once bet to take one of these with just a bow and arrow, It was the same dude as well. I punched him in the face and took the thing down with backup from a few friends.

Angels aren't too bad but if you have to deal with a seraphim get backup, They do not fuck around. I have a few scars to prove it. -Void

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