Two-Bit- Wound

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You were sitting on the couch, braiding and unbraiding your H/C hair. You were waiting for Two-Bit, your boyfriend who apparently had better things to do at 1am instead of wondering if his girlfriend was okay.

You huffed, looking at the clock


"Lord where could he be!" You muttered to yourself 

Just as you were about to get up and start ringing everybody that knew Two, the door slammed open as he came stumbling in. 

"F*CKING HELL- FINALLY DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT I-" but quickly trailed off once you saw him

He had cuts all over his face, a bloody nose, a bruised lip, and an eye that would surly be black in the morning. 

"TWO WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU" You shouted while running up to him and examining his face 

Two-Bit kept avoiding eye contact

"It's nothing Y/N- I got in a fight" he muttered

"Yeah No shit- with who!"


Your eyes widened as you let out a big sigh- your blood was boiling 

"That little shit" you whispered

"C'mon we gotta get you cleaned up" You said while leading him to the bathroom

You sat him on the toilet while you got the supplies, kneeling down you gently started dabbing the cotton ball on his cuts.

"Now Babe, why don't you tell me why you really got in the fight" you said 

He took a deep breath 

"Bob was talking bad about you- saying you were a sl*t and stuff- and it got me really pissed off- so I kinda just kapowed OW-" he yelped

"Oops sorry babe" 

"But that was really sweet" You answered slowly kissing his forehead 

"Anything for you Y/N" 

And you both spent the night cuddling and watching movies. 

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