The gang at Pizza Hut-

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-Had to go personally to order Pizza since Steve broke the phone

-Darry trying to order pizza 

-Everybody keeps screaming what they want 

-Johnny being a smol bean and staying quiet

-Darry gets annoyed and ends up ordering a plain cheese pizza

-The guys all whining

~While Waiting~

-Darry really doesn't give a shit cause he got the new iphone12 

-You and Johnny playing rock paper scissors 

-Dally grabbing one of the Soda's from the freezer and drinking them

-Ponyboy annoying Darry

-Steve and Soda attempting to sneak over the counter

-Two-Bit keeps ringing the little bell on the counter to annoy the employees

-Dally's smoke accidently setting off the fire alarm

-The guys all panicking

-Ponyboy letting out a big girly scream

-You guys all staring at him

-"Ahem- *Deep voice* Hm I mean, uh Woah just a little noise nothing to be afraid of right?"

-Darry not being able to reach the fire alarm (Surprisingly) 

-Johnny hiding behind Dally

-Dally protecting Johnny

-Two-Bit coming in with a 6'5 foot rolling stick and hitting the alarm


-"Don't worry Dar, everything's under control"

-Two-Bit breaking the alarm

-Darry having to pay for the alarm

-F*cking Two-Bit"

-"Oh shut up Y/N It was your idea"

-You guys all having to wait outside

-Girls flirting with Soda- since the pizza place was right next to a beauty parlor 

-The rest of you guys all playing tag in the parking lot

-Ponyboy being a little clueless and almost getting hit by a car


-Darry goes dad mode and starts arguing 

-"No NO, I saw you with MY OWN two eyes that you were trying to hit my 14 year old brother" 

-"No I didn't"

-"Yes you most certainly did"


-Darry dramatically gasping

-The gang backing him up

-Ponyboy crying cause he's scared 

-Dally laughing 

-The gang all staring at him

-"I mean uh Hm. Not the time sorry"

-The pizza finally being ready

-The gang got all excited

-Two-Bit wanting to hold it


-"No Dar don't give it to him"

-"Yeah he's more clumsy then Ponyboy"

-"Awe shut up Y/n, you're making me look bad

-Darry finally agreeing and giving it to him

-Two-Bit tripping over a parking curb thing and dropping the pizza

-The gang all smacking him upside the head and groaning

-"Awe shit Two look what you did now!" 

-"It wasn't my fault!"


-You guys having to get Taco Bell


-"Pipe down Two- you've been listening to too much Arianna Grande"

Outsiders Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now