Sodapop- Swing (1)

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(Guess where I got the inspiration from 😎)

You were finishing up packing snacks and diapers for yours and Sodas 1 year old baby girl, Rachel. Since things didn't really work out between you and Soda- you broke up, only after a while you found out you were pregnant. So Soda's been helping of course, but you both agreed to just stay good friends. 

Suddenly, Soda came bursting through the door

"Oh Hey Soda- Rachel will be up in a minute"

"Oh Good" He said while opening up the refrigerator 

You stopped packing for a second.

"Oh Hey Soda, I heard about you and Ava, I'm sorry" You said 

Ava was Soda's girlfriend for a matter of time until she found out he has a kid, then they sort of ended it.. well She ended it. 

He shut the fridge, 

"Oh That's okay, I'm sure there are tons of other beautiful girls that'll come to the DX Sometime" 

I smiled- it was good to know he still had hope

"Absolutely Soda" 


"AHEM" You cleared your throat

"Hm.. OH yeah except you as well of course" he said

I nodded "Good Save Curtis" 

I continued packing as Soda took a drink of his cola 

"So, since it's your day with Rachel what are you gonna do today?" I asked 

"Oh I was thinking to take Rachel to the playground" he answered 

I stopped packing as I looked up at him- horror in my eyes

"Oh My God What-?" I asked 

Soda raised an eyebrow 

"Like I said- I was thinking of taking Rachel to the museum of knives and fire" he said sarcastically 

I rolled my eyes 

"Okay look Soda- I do not want Rachel going to the playground" I said 

Soda looked at me as if I were the stupidest girl on the planet 


I sighed 

"All right if you must know- I had a traumatic swing incident, when I was little" I said on the verge of tears 

"Seriously?" Soda asked- setting down his drink 

"Yes! I was  4 years old, and I was on the swing and all of a sudden my hair got tangled in the chain" I said while taking a deep breath 

Soda stared at me- looking very confused 

"A-And to get it out my mom had to cut a big chunk of my hair..." 

"And it was uneven for weeks" I said while starting to cry 

Soda still continued to stare at me 

"And You made it through that- I wonder who's gonna play you in the movie?" he asked sarcastically  

I stopped crying as I stared at him 

"Okay Fine you can make fun of me but I do not want Rachel going there" I said 

I sniffled as I played with my sleeve 

"And I was thinking Madonna" I said 

Soda rolled his eyes

"Look I'm sorry to hear about your "Traumatic experience" He said while quoting it 

"But the swings are perfectly safe, besides Rachel loves them, and you should come with us, you'll see there's nothing to be worried about"


Soda started shaking his head as he leaned on the kitchen counter-" 

"Okay! there' s a moment when you're on the top and you just don't know if you're gonna return back to earth!" 

"Space is filled with orbiting children" He said 

I groaned- as I continued packing 

"Look c'mon Y/N, when you see the look on Rachel's face, I swear you won't regret it" Soda pleaded

I zipped up the bag as I sighed


"Besides you don't wanna be one of those mothers who just pass on their irrational fears to their children huh" he asked 

I stopped

"Irrational huh?- all right I'll remember that the next time when you freak out about a spider in your apartment" I shot back 

"OH Yeah like that's the same I'm sure there are different species of poisonous swings!" he fired 

I furrowed my eyebrows 

"J- Let's go you dumb ass"

Outsiders Imagines (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin