The Gang at Great America-

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-Darry having to buy tickets for ALL of them

-None of them actually ever been there

-Two-Bit complaining why they couldn't go to Disneyland instead

"Shut Up Two-Bit be grateful that Darry's taking us anywhere regarding our last performance at Target-" 

-Darry having no clue where to drive to get there

-All of the guys fighting and arguing in the car cause it's so hot 

*Finally getting there*

-All of them SPRINTING to the gates

-Darry carrying all the bags and stuff

-All of them having to go through the the body scanner 

-Dally having to take it a couple of times cause it kept beeping

-The guys all annoyed with him

"For Christs sake just take off the damn necklace Dallas!"

"Hell NO" 

-Them all finally getting in

-Sodapop and Steve racing to the carousel 

-Ponyboy and Johnny going to the pool

-Dally lowkey acting tuff but secretly runs off to the rides

-Darry putting on LOADS of sunscreen and going to gift shops- not giving a shit about the gang

-Two-Bit Stalking Snoopy

-Steve trying funnel cakes

-Sodapop finding a bunch of girls and flirting with them

-Everyone eventually ends up at the pool 

-Darry sitting in the corner with a bunch of shade

-Them being too tall for the pool they were in

-Having to move where the waves were

-Darry getting annoyed they kept switching 

"For gods sake just choose a place!" 

-Dally still being too tall for the pool


-Ponyboy being the light mf he is- gets swept halfway across the pool by the waves

-Two-Bit somehow drowning 

-Steve laughing 

-Soda tanning

-Johnny sitting next to Darry enjoying life cause Darry bought him a Churro

-Ponyboy getting fed up with the waves and leaving

-The guys all agreeing it was time to go on the rides

-All going to Snoopy town 

-All them being too tall for the rides 

*Snoopy comes for a meet and greet*

-Snoopy literally being 6'5*

-Ponyboy screaming cause he's scared

-Johnny hiding behind Darry

-Darry confused asf

-Dally knocking Snoopy out cold cause he touched him

-All them getting kicked out for abuse and disruption

"So- Raging waters?"


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