Johnny- Nightmare

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I've always known Johnny was the cool Greaser- he wasn't as shy and scared as he was when I first met him. It's funny how you can switch personalities in just a couple of weeks.

That night, Johnny fell asleep with his arms wrapped around me. It was the best feeling any girl could ever experience. 

While still asleep, suddenly,  Johnny holds me tighter, as if he was having a nightmare. I slowly crept up to him and whispered

"Babe you okay?" 

Johnny, still asleep, doesn't answer. But still holds me even tighter. I smiled as I hugged him

"Shh, It's okay baby" 


That morning, I slowly turned to the other side of the bed just to find Johnny smiling at me. 

"Hey Doll" he said while tracing his fingers on my bare arm

I smiled

"Hey Johnnycakes" 

"So last night," I began

He soon furrowed his eyebrows

"Last night?- what about last night?" He questioned 

My smile grew wider, "Oh nothing"

Johnny soon started tickling me, making me laugh 


I assume Johnny doesn't remember anything that happened last night. He only remembers falling asleep with me. But it doesn't matter- I know I'll always remember seeing this vulnerable side of him.

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