Ponyboy- Friends (2)

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"So You're not going to see him anymore?" Sodapop asked as the rest of the gang looked at me with doll eyes

I groaned 

"I mean it's not like I don't want to! but I have no choice, He has to do what Cherry wants" I said

Dally rolled his eyes

"Isn't Cherry like 17?" Darry asked

I nodded 

The gang all muttered 

"I just don't get how this is gonna work, I mean We're not gonna stop seeing you, and we're not gonna stop seeing Ponyboy cause he's Darry and Sodapop's brother-" Steve announced

I groaned even louder

"Oh Great- look what I caused, this means one of us is probably gonna have to go!- and it's probably gonna be me, although I always thought it would be Two-Bit" I said 

Two-Bit looked up from the Tv "HEY"

"Sorry Two,"

Suddenly Ponyboy walked through the door. His eyes meeting mine 

I quickly turned around 

He sighed as he sat down on the couch- Even though I didn't want to look at him, it was really tempting since his scent of Fruit loops was attracting.

It was awkward silence until Darry finally spoke up 

"So Who want's dinner!" 

"ME" The guys all said irrupting from their seats 

Ponyboy and I slowly got up and headed towards the kitchen table. For some reason I felt my eyes water, kind of like I didn't belong here.

"You know what guys, I think I'll be heading home" I said grabbing my bag

The room soon went quiet

"Y/N I think you're forgetting that your dad is abusive" Dally said 

I rolled my eyes

"It's fine I'll probably go sleep in the lot or something" 

Darry sighed as he got up from his chair and swung me over his shoulder


He put me down in a chair 

"No Y/N, you're staying the night- I really don't give a shit if Ponyboy and you aren't talking that doesn't mean we're gonna do it too, now eat!" he said

My eyes were widened, quickly, I started eating my food. 


Luckily throughout dinner, the guys were all loud, except me and Ponyboy, so it wasn't that awkward.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Ponyboy leaped up to get it.


The room soon went quiet

Ponyboy shifted uncomfortably 

"It's Cherry, she says hi" Ponyboy said while putting her on speakerphone 

The gang didn't seem too excited to see her, but still all muttered hi

"Hey guys!"

"Hey Cherry" they all said 

"So who am I exactly speaking to" She said through the machine 

The gang all panicked as Steve "Tried" to smooth things up

"Well I don't know who's ALL here but I can tell you who isn't and it's for sure Y/N" 

Darry and Soda rolled their eyes as Two-Bit, Johnny and Dally shook their heads/

"Good, I think Ponyboy should know better by now" 

I bit my lip as I shook my head. Slowly heading out the door. But before I could put my hand on the door knob Ponyboy spoke up since the first time this night. 

"Actually Cherry! Y/N is here, she's having dinner with us" 

Cherry soon panicked

"Ponyboy take me off speaker" 

He soon got the phone and ran outside on the porch to talk.

I slowly sat back down on the couch, the gang soon came rushing over. While Dally and Steve listened through the door.

"Don't worry Y/N, Cherry can't really do much" Soda said

"Yeah Y/N sooner or later Cherry's gonna break up with Ponyboy and you'll be able to see him again" Johnny piped up

I shrugged 

"I Guess, I just hope I didn't ruin anything" 


"Steve- give Y/N 200 dollars, you landed on her property" Darry said 

Steve stood up


I dramatically gasped


He looked at me 


I rolled my eyed


Soda shifted uncomfortably in his chair 

"I think that's enough Monopoly for tonight" he said as he began packing it up

We all turned around to see Ponyboy still on the phone 

"The F*ck is taking so long?" Dally said 

Before anyone could say anything Ponyboy walked into the house. We all stared at him.

"Ponyboy.." Darry said softly 

"It- It's Cherry.."

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