Two-Bit- Real smooth

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I was sitting at Starbucks, drinking my coffee while staring out the window. Just as I was about to get up and leave, a boy approached me.

With his sweet warm smile- he flashed it at me.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you could help me with something?" He asked while fiddling with his phone 

I nodded

"Of course, what's up?" I asked but I heard a cheer behind him

I leaned over  to see 6 other boys sitting on chairs, some even on tables. But quickly turned around once I looked at them.

"Your friends?" I asked

He nodded 

"So, anyways I wanted to see if you could help me text a girl I really like, I was thinking of asking her out but I really don't know the words to describe how beautiful she is" He said 

I smiled

"Awe okay then" 

"Wait but before- Do you wanna see a picture of her?" he asked

Smiling, I nodded "Of course"

Before I knew it, He turned the phone around and the camera was facing me. I looked into the screen just to see me in the photo.

I laughed 

"Real smooth, real smooth"

He smiled


I quickly wrote something on a piece of paper. While I shook his hand. Letting the paper slip in his hand.

"We'll see" 

Outsiders Imagines (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now