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I'm laying down on my bed trying to imagine what in the world must be happening down there after my brother saw me and Harry down stairs. Louis is probably suspicious and knows theres something going on between the both of us. I mean what's the big deal anyways? we're just friends, it's not like we're dating so I dont understand why he cares so much about us hanging out. Like does he hate me that much that he doesn't even want me to get any friends at all? He's so annoying. Of all the people in the world he was the one that had to be destined to be my sibiling.

I slowly walk over to my door and try to peek from behind it once again. Maybe i'll be able to hear what they're talking about.

"Dude what's your issue? why do you care if me and your sister hang out? it's none of your fucking business anyways" I smile a bit at how Harry is kindda standing up for me.

"Nothing. I just dont want you hanging with her" I roll my eyes at how stupid my brother is. I wish I could go down there and give him a piece of my mind but it's better if I dont upset him. Like he knows my secret after all.

"You're so stupid seriously" I can see Harry rolling his eyes at my brother. See? I knew I wasn't the only one that always rolled her eyes while talking to my brother.

"Dude seriously like you could do better" My brother tells Harry and I cover my mouth in disbelief. Like how can he tell him he could do better than his own damn sister? he's such an ignorant.

"Just whatever Louis. You're such an idiot. Go find yourself someone else to hang out with." Harry says before stumping over to the front door and walking outside the house to leave. My mouth drops wide open while I stand there peeking through the door in shock. Like did I just ruin my brothers friendship? This was all my fault, I should've never transfered schools. I should've never even been born. I literally hate myself and my brother probably hates me even more.

Before I noticed I saw my brother running up the stairs pissed making his way over to my room. I didn't know what to do. I was basically frozen in my spot and I couldn't move. I tried to back away from the door and run over to my bed to pretend like I didn't see what just happened but I was too late. My brother had just snapped the door open and he saw me staring over at him in confusion. He looked pissed I knew he was gonna snap at me.

"uh..." I say trying to break the tension but he cut me off.

"You fucking idiot!" I look over at him not sure what to say or do.

"I'm so-" He cuts me off again.

"You ruined it. you ruined it all. Fuck!" He yells the last thing before punching the wall beside him which I'm sure he probably hurt his knuckles for how hard he hit it.

"I ruined it? I ruined what?" I ask actually concerned now. Like I knew he didn't mean I ruined his friendship. He meant something else and I wanted to find out.

"You wouldn't fucking understand" He yells and I can see he's actually hurt right now but he's being strong and holding it in.

"Louis?" I pause and look over him trying to show him that I'm actually really concerned and I wanna help him even though he's a dooche to me.

"Tell me" I place my hand on his shoulder but he shruggs it away.

"Just fuck off" He yells and leaves my room to walk over to his own.

What the hell is his problem? Like I was just trying to help him out. I wanted to know what did I ruin. It seemed like whatever it was, was actually really important to him but it's too late now. He's probably not gonna tell me but I'm gonna try to figure it out.

A/N: Hey guys so here's the chappie! btw I know this chapter is short af but I wasn't feeling like updating at all but I did anyways just for you loves. So anyways, What do ya'll think Louis is hiding? Shout out on the next chapter to the person that guesses it first ;) -Noraxx

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