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It's been two days since the whole incident and drama. My brother hasn't even dared to talk to me which I don't know if that's actually better than when he would only talk to me just to insult me.

I feel really bad about everything but at the same time I don't. Like he's being dramatic after all and for an unknown reason. I don't really even know why he's mad at me.

This morning I almost told my mom about the scene I had witnessed with Louis and the random girl but I didn't dared once I remembered what he had told me. He's such a jerk and the worst part is my mom thinks he's a little angel that behaves and does nothing but follow the rules while in reality he sneaks out of the house everyday and hooks up with any girl he can find. He's a terrible person. I wish my mom knew about all these. She would be so disappointed.

I walk inside the school like any normal day and make myself to my class. The car ride here was super awkward though. Louis brought me here like he always does. It had never been awkward before which I found so weird. Like I didn't know what to do and I could tell he was feeling awkward too. It felt like he wanted to tell me something but at the same time wanted to kill me. The car ride only consisted of about 10 minutes but it felt like a decade.

Finally I learned where my classes were located though. Took me some time but I got it which is all that matters.

I walk inside the classroom and everyone is seated like always. I take my seat. Luckily I got here on time.

"Morning class, did you all bring your homework's" the teacher says which makes me gasp really loudly and everybody shots their heads at me in confusion.

"Is there a problem Annabelle?"

"Um.." I stop not sure on what to say. I can't believe I completely forgot about this homework. He had been reminding us all week. Ugh. I'm not irresponsible, I don't know what happened.

"I left mines at home" I whisper. I can't believe I just lied. I didn't make it at all.

"You can bring it tomorrow but know you're not gonna have the same grade as everyone else that brought it today" he responds which makes me relax. He was upset though. I could tell by his voice and look but at least he gave me another day, even though I'm not gonna get the same grade as everyone else, but at least it's something, which it's still better than a cero.

A/N: I sense a brand new chapter ;'). A little short but oh well haha. I'm not gonna promise more frequent uploads cause I always say I will upload more frequent and then I never do but I do promise I will finish this story soon. Only about 10 chapters left. They will be interesting. Stay tuned ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2016 ⏰

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