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I walk over to the front door to check who could possibly be knocking at this late hour. It's not actually that late but at the same time it is. Pretty hard to explain;

I reach the front door and I peek through the window real quick to check who it was. I can't just randomly open the door. It could be a burglar. Who knows?

I open up the curtain a bit and I find Harry standing there like a complete idiot, which caused me to giggle. I open the door.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"Visiting, isn't it quite obvious?" He replies and rolls his eyes sarcastically.

"If my parents find out you're here they're gonna kill the both of us" I smack him on the arm trying to snap some sense into him.

"Oh so you want me to leave?" he asks playfully while turning around. I grab his hand to stop him mid way and spin him back around for him to land back in his position.

"Yes. Thats exactly what I want" Obviously I'm lying. I don't wan't him to leave, or else I wouldn't had stopped him when he turned around.

"Doesn't quite look like that's what you wan't" he smirks and looks down at our hands. I idiotically didn't notice I was still holding his hand. I jank my hand away quickly and cross my arms in front of my chest again before clearing my throat.

"You're an idiot that's what you are" I giggle and pull him inside before locking the door.

"By the way, if my parents or my brother arrive out of nowhere you're taking the blame" I raise an eyebrow waiting for his response.

"I have no problem with that"

"Have you seen my dad?" I ask

"No, why?"

"Then yes you have a problem with that, if my parents find you here, you're dead, not even kidding" Im sure Harry didn't believe me when I told him if my parents find him here his dead; but I wasn't joking. My parents are pretty strict which makes them do some crazy chiz sometimes.

"Calm down im sure i can take your dad, besides it's not like were gonna do anything"

"Fine, fine" I say and we both sit down on the couch.

I was kinda nervous for Harry to be here but at the same time I wanted him to be here, you see my problem?! If my brother finds me hanging out here with Harry he's gonna be pissed after what he warned me about earlier and he will probably tell my parents to make the case worse. Im just gonna forget about all off that and enjoy Harry's company, I mean I dont think he's even gonna arrive home any time soon.

"Harry?" I whisper waiting for his response.

"Yeah" Harry replies still keeping his gaze at the tv screen.

"Please don't tell my brother you were here" I keep my gaze at the tv as well.

I get surprised when he doesn't answer. He just stayed quite. What the hell?

"Harry?" I ask again, this time turning my head to face him. He does the same.

"What's going on between you and Louis?" He asks and I can spot the concern.

"I uh... I can't tell you" I reply and turn my gaze to tv again.

"Why can't you tell me?" He asks frustrated which causes for me to get frustrated as well.

"I just cant, ok?" I look back at him. "Just drop it"

"I know Louis threatened you with something. I can help you" That last thing he told me really pissed me off. 'I can help you' what part of he can't, doesn't he understand?

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