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It's finally Saturday today; which basically means freedom for a day. Which also means being far away from school and everybody in it for a bit.

By the was yes, as sad as it sounds im planing on spending my saturday night in my house by myself. Sounds like something a typical loser would do but that's just because I basically am one.

I'm not like most wild teenagers that just enjoys partying on a weekend night with their best friends while they all get high and shit. I don't plan on wasting my time on that stuff. I'm more of a chill at home type of a person. I've always been like that. Call me boring if you want.

I also recently found out by my brother that today there's a really dumb party at one of my brothers friends house which the whole school is apparently gonna be attending.

But as I mentioned before; parties are not actually quite my thing. If I ever end up going to one you would most probably just find me sitting in a corner far... far away from humanity anyways.

I might enjoy some other party sometime but the thing is that I hate most of the people at my school which causes for me to not wan't to go.

My parents are always working and my brother is obviously going to that 'perfect' party! (Please note the sarcasm on that) So I guess it's just me by myself today. Great!

It's nothing new to me anyways. Saturday's are always like this though. My brother's never here and my parents are always working but I actually dont mind it that much. I prefer being lonely sometimes. It's better than having everybody runnig around the house making my life miserable.

It's not that bad if you try to look for the bright side.

Im sitting on the couch going through some random channels on the tv. I can clearly listen to my brother getting ready upstairs. The sooner he leaves, the better.

I've been sitting on this couch for so long though. I haven't even eaten anything yet. I'm pretty lazy to be honest.

It's like 2:00 pm, why is this party so fucking early? like NO! Im not boring though it's just that I prefer to be boring with the people I dislike. I know that actually doesn't make any sense but I get what I mean.

As I keep flicking throught the channels I get interrupted by my brother calling my name out from his room. I try to ignore him the first couple of times until it get's too annoying. I give in.

"What? You're so fucking annoying, god" I shout back at Louis rolling my eyes in the process. Why did he have to call my name out so many times? It got so annoying.

"Drop the Attitude or i swe-" I cut him off. I don't have time for his annoying and rude comments.

"Just tell me what do you want Louis, im not in the mood for your shitty insults"

"Im going to that party, so don't wait up" I roll my eyes again. Why will I wait up for this idiot?

"Don't worry I won't" I bite down on my lip trying not to break down and punch him in the face. I look back at the tv annoyed and continue with going through the channels. Louis closses the front door shut and makes his way to his car.

I go down to the kitchen until I get caught up by my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I ask trying to figure out who was calling.

"hey, babe" I smile already knowing who it was.

"babe? so it's Harry"

"No! It's Harold" he replies jokingly and I giggle a bit.

"Sureee?" so um Harr- i mean Harold, whats going on?" I ask and roll my eyes at the thought that he's making me call him harold instead of harry.

"Im calling to tell you that im picking you up in 2 hours, so get ready" I open my eyes in Confusion. Picking me up, what does he mean? Where is he taking me anyways?

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