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I get pulled inside Louis room and the first thing I think of is; 'That was so close'. We were only inches away from getting caught, but we didn't.

I still have a slight feeling that Louis knows that's not the real reason I came here though. Well atleast he's not killing me with questions, we just have to be more careful next time and we're good. Hopefully.

"Spill up" Louis demands quickly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean"

"What?" I ask again trying to sound confused on what he means. I hope he bought it.

"I know you came here to see my sister" He snaps harshly before going back to his phone.

"And? what if I did? why do you care so much?" Like seriously. Yes I did come over here to see his sister, but why does he care so much? He's getting so annoying.

"Dude just leave my sister alone! She's a loser, no one likes her. Trust me." I get up from the corner of his bed and I quickly clench my fist. That made me so upset. What the hell does he mean 'no one likes her' 'she's a loser'? well here's this, I like her. She's perfect. People need to take a moment and give her a chance. How can anybody say that? She's not a loser at all.

"The fuck man? she's your sister" I walk over to Louis just to make sure he notices im actually pissed at him at the moment.

"Dude just calm down" I listen to Louis and I sit back on the corner of his bed trying to calm myself down a bit.

"Harry you're acting like a maniac, you dont actually like my sister do you?" Louis looks at me as in 'if you do you're crazy' type of way. But well then yeah; I guess im crazy, if that's what you wanna call me for liking such a beautiful creature. Every guy at school has a crush on her actually, its just that Louis doesn't find her appealing at all since it's his sister, but she's beautiful. Im lucky to even have her as a friend.

"No... Why?" I totally lied to him, but I can sense the two of them have something going on and I dont wanna get Annabelle in trouble by admitting to her brother I like her. I have to find out more on what's going on here.

"Good" he laughs a bit which gets me even angrier. What the hell does he mean 'good'? He can't be serious right now.

"What do you mean 'good'?" I look over at Louis and wave a hand in front of his face trying to get him to stop staring at that little screen and pay attention to me.

"She's not good enough for you, she's not good enough for anybody Harry. That's what I meant" he looks back down at his phone and this time he really pissed me off. I yank the phone of his hand and throw it to the bed before standing up and walking over to him.

"What the hell do you mean she's not good enough for anybody?" I glare at Louis before holding his shirt abruptly.

"Dude calm down! Just let go of my shirt and calm down, ok?" Louis asks me and I can tell he's scared of my behavior right now.

"Fine i'll put you down but just so you know, she's a way better person than you are and that you'll ever be" I let go of his shirt harshly and storm out the door.

Im done with him right now. Who does he think he is? Like seriously. She's such a nice girl, how can he say all those harsh and horrible things about her? It just doesn't make sense. He's such a prick. He doesn't know how lucky he is to have such an amazing sister by his side and that honestly annoys me incredibly.

A/N: Hey lovelies so heres the new chapter. I know I'm taking forever to update but I'm trying my best. Comment what you think of it so far. xx {n.a}

Twitter: @HarryDorkStyles

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