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We arrive at this huge house that apparently was holding tonights stupid party. The house was really nice though, if im quite honest.

There were a bunch of cars parked everywhere around the house. Even some taking some of the neighbors space, which I can obviously tell that when they see it they're not gonna be too happy about it. I mean who would be happy about random people parking up in your property? It's obvious.

I get out of the car and Harry does the same.

"We're here" harry says reaching my side while looking around the outside of this huge house.

"It's a nice place" I say in awe and turn my head to face him. He was already looking at me before I turned my head. I wonder how long has he been staring. I look down at my feet and blush.

"Come on" he says dropping his gaze from me and I follow him into the house.

Wow this place was even bigger from the inside then what I expected it to be.

I look around the place and all I can make out is just a bunch of drunk teens everywhere. To some making out in a corner and others playing spin the bottle; which I can already tell that the game wasn't going very appropriately.

I don't get this. I mean i've obviously been to parties before, just not like this. Yeah I guess you can say that im kindda of a wimp but no, it's just that I try to be the best that I can and go by the rules. I've always been like that.

Me and Harry keep walking forward into the house. Exploring here and there.

We stop in our tracks once we watch that there's a bunch of people dancing in the middle of the way. We have to walk past them in order to get inside. Like actually inside the house. We were basically standing in the doorway like idiots.

Harry keeps walking forward again until I press his hand quite hard and push him back a little bit.

"Were walking through that?" I ask confused and frown a bit disgusted.

"Yeah" He replies raising an eyebrow.

"But some of this kids look like they're having sex. Are you crazy? I'm totally not walking through that" It's disgusting. I really don't want to walk through that.

"We're in the middle of the doorway Annabelle, are you planning on standing here all night?" He asks and crosses his arms in front of his chest.

"bu-" he cut me off

"Come on we'll walk it quick" I nod and he held my hand tighlty quickly leading the way.

"See, it wasn't that bad" Harry points out once we finally reach the kitchen. He starts laughing, causing me to roll my eyes.

"I have strangers sweat all over me, yes it was that fucking bad" I reply and give him a glare gesturing him to stop laughing. This is not funny. It's gross.

"What?" he asks but continues to laugh.

"Thats not funny Harry, that was disgusting" I roll my eyes again and playfully slap him on the arm for him to stop laughing.

"Come on it wasn't that bad" He assures me and I growl at him.

"You have issues" I reply jokingly and he randomly pokes my cheek. Which got me to giggle.

"Oh come on dont be like that" he replied and laughed again.

"How can you not mind having other peoples sweat all over you?" I ask confused.

"Of course I mind, it's just that your reaction was priceless" I look up at him to face him and give him another glare.

"Fuck you!" I whispered and we both bursted out laughing. Okay it was pretty funny. It still doesn't change the fact that it was also disgusting.

My brother's best friend (h.s)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora