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"Annabelle, wake up" I get shook off from my sleep by my mother annoyingly calling my name out from downstairs.

Today is my first day at this new high school my mom decided to transfer me to.

I swapped high schools only because i've obviously had enough of everybody at my old one. Sadly I didn't tell my mother the part where I got physically and emotionally harassed by everybody at my old high school but luckily I made it clear enough for her to understand that I wanted to change schools and start out fresh.

Im a senior now though, so im really exited about that. Hopefully people over at this school are way nicer than the ones at my old one.

I head downstairs to find my mom -Cooking breakfast in the kitchen- , and my dad -in a rush because he's late; for work like always, so not much of a shocker there to be honest- , and my brother -so popular, always lucky with everything he does. In easy words; the spotlight kid of the house- plopped down on the couch flicking through some random channels.

"Rise and shine" he whispered once I reached the living room; causing me to roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Leave me alone" I growl while I plop down on the couch across from him.

Me and my brother don't really; like at all get along. He's a complete jerk that some-how still manages to get everybody to like him, except me. But I have my excuses on why not to like him. He threats me like complete dirt while i've done nothing wrong to him. Gosh, he annoys me so badly. I seriously wish he'd move out for once.

"Fuck off" Louis whispered attempting for only me to hear but obviously caused my mom to hear him as well.

"Can you two please respect each other at least for once in your life's? It's honestly getting on my nerves." I look up at my brother and give him a wink; obviously pissing him off even more. He gets up from the couch and flips me off. Shocked at his stupid behavior; my jaw drops wide open.

I shake my head and laugh at how stupid my brother actually is; I got up from my spot and walked over to sit at an empty chair at the table where my mom was previously sitting at. She was digging in some very delicious looking pancakes, which made me really hungry.

"What were you laughing about a second ago?" My mom asks a bit confused that I laughed out of no where

"Oh nothing, sorry" obviously I was laughing at my brothers stupid reaction earlier.

"Ok? um so anyways I made you some pancakes-" she stopped to take a quick sip of her orange juice.

"-you're gonna have to take it to go though, cause school starts in" She looked down at her clock to check the time "15 Minutes"

"FUCK!" I Whispered to myself and ran up to my brothers room.

"Louis hurry the fuck up school starts in 15 minutes" I yelled knocking on his door rapidly. I obviously can't be late on my first fucking day.

"Im coming" he yells through the door causing me to roll my eyes.

We both grab our school bags and run downstairs.

"Bye mom! love you" I gave her a kiss on the cheek and ran outside.

"Wait! Annabelle your breakfast"

"I can't, I'm late. Thank you though" I yelled and closed the front door shut and ran off to my brothers car. I got in on the passengers side and we sped off.

He was going at like 10 miles obviously trying to annoy me.

"Can you hurry up a bit?" I ask him annoyed

My brother's best friend (h.s)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant