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Thanks to the fact that my mom was the one that dropped me off today, I finally got here on time.

I enter the library and greet the nice old lady sitting behind an old desk.

"Morning" I flash the lady a nice smile and turn around to sit on one of the empty tables.

"Good morning " She returns the welcoming smile and gestures for me to sit down.

"Could you sign your attendants?" she walks over to me and lends me the paper with a pen.

"uh sure" When I finish signing the paper I grab my phone from my purse and go through my texts. Apparently I had an unread message from Harry. Fuck he sent it 2 hours ago. He's gonna be pissed.

"Hey! Sorry for answering so late. Just saw it." I look up from my phone when I get interrupted by some annoying looking girl.

"Hey" By her attitude I can already tell that she was a bit of a bitch. I really didn't want any trouble so I stayed quite and kept my attention on my phone.

"um.. I said hey" she waves her hand rapidly in front of my face obviously annoying the shit out of me.

"yeah I said 'hey' back, could you maybe leave me alone."

"No! Don't be silly. I just wanna talk. I know you're new" She smirks and begins clicking her nails at the table. So annoying.

"I don't wanna talk right now so um bye" I look up at her and roll my eyes before looking back down at my phone. Before I even noticed she had snatched my phone out of my hands and placed it aside.

"Excuse you?" What the fuck is wrong with this girl? that was so disrespectful.

"If I say I wanna talk with you then pay some fucking attention" She snaps her fingers in front of my face this time crossing the line. I have a short tempter I don't know how I haven't slapped her across the face by now.

"Look, I dont wanna start any trouble, ok?" I look sternly in her eyes assuring her that im not playing around. If I don't wanna talk to her; then I don't wanna talk with her. What is she not getting?

I grab my bag from the chair next to me and walk out of the library leaving the girl confused. She was so annoying. Obviously she wanted to start a fight with the school 'loser'. I know it. It's always been like that. I'm always the joke.

I've went through a lot of things like that before. Yes I got bullied a lot at my old school but I learned to stand up for myself and I can easily tell when someone just wants to talk to me or when someone just wants to embarrass me in front of their friends to get a couple laughs here and there. And I know for a fact that, that girl in the library a few minutes ago only wanted to take advantage of me to squeeze a little fun out of it. I don't get why people hate me so much. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I just wish I'd get the same respect as everybody else.

A/N: Filler. Hope you enjoyed it anyways haha! Comment. xx {n.a}

Twitter: @HarryDorkStyles

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