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I wake up to my brother randomly pouring freezing water at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I yell over at my brother pissed. Like I straightened my hair yesterday. It's all wet now. What the hell?

"Rise and shine" Louis smirks which causes for me to growl in annoyance.

"Ugh you're such a hypocrite! get the hell out" I yell back at my brother again while I roughly push him out the door. I hate that kid so much. He's such a dick.

I lay back on my wet bed for a couple of minutes until finally getting up and heading downstairs.

I grab some waffles from the toaster and some juice from the fridge and sat down at the table where my brother was also sat at.

I was feeling really unconmfortable as I could feel my brother staring at me in a super disgusted way.

"Why the fuck are you staring? can you just stop?" I ask while waving my hand in front of his face so that he'd stop staring like that. It was annoying.

"Cause you totally look like a piece of shit right now, if maybe you made yourself look decent maybe people wouldn't stare at you all the time" He replied back harshly. Like wow that actually really hurt. He knows about my past, why does he have to say that? He obviously knew that was gonna hurt me. I know that's what he tried to do anyways and he succeeded. I fight back the tears and look down at my plate.

"Is morning genius and I'm wet, what do you expect?"

"I expect for you to be as far away from me as possible" he got up from the table and went upstairs to his room.

Ugh why does he have to be such a douche? I haven't done anything to him. Atleast not that I know of. And if I did, well at least im trying to be nice to him now, but he keeps treating me like a piece of dirt; and im getting tired of it.

I finish my breakfast and head to my bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

After like 20 minutes of showering i finally step out and head to my closet. I put on some black skinny jeans, tank top, toms and a beanie. i pluged in my straightener while I applied a bit of make up and wait for my straightener to warm up. Thanks to my annoying brother I have to do my hair all over again.

I wasn't really feeling like wearing alot of make up so I put on some mascara and lipstic, which was enough.

After the straightner finally heated up I straightened my hair.

When I finally finished getting ready I grabbed my book bag and went downstairs.

Im usually always ready like an hour before school starts, but im always late anyways just because of my lazy ass sibling. Louis takes too long for everything; and I feel like he does it only to bother me. I really need to find myself another drive to places.

"Louis hurry up" I yell for the 100th time today.

"I'll be down there when im ready, so you rushing me isn't gonna do anything"

"Come on please were gonna be late"

"Calm down school isnt gonna go anywhere"

"Yeah but i am when I get there late for the 1738th time" I yell back and head out the door, im 99% sure that hes not gonna get me to school on time, school is about to start like in 13 minutes so I just decide to run for it.

I finally arrive to school right when the bell rang. I placed both my hands on my knees trying to regain my breath from all that running I just did.

I walk over to the water fountain to try and drink some water until I look to the right and found my brother standing there with his group of friends. I can tell that he got here way earlier then me, I cant believe him, im pretty sure he just made me think he wasn't ready so that i had to run all of this freaking path. He does this every day and it's really starting to get on my last nerve.

My brother's best friend (h.s)Where stories live. Discover now