I'm back with something...funny

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⚠️Including so many bad words⚠️

Jupiter:Don't worry, I can fly.

Security:Alright,it looks like we got Quick man finally.He's been hard to catch because he's so fast, but fortunately, we have him in this enclosed space.
Quick man: I'm gonna kill all of you!
Security:Yep we've heard that one before. Anyway-oh wait-
Quick man: I'm busting out now! I'm actively busting out of this prison!
Security:Oh God he's actually doing it.
Quick man:I'm now outside of the prison bars! Here I go!
Security:You're a fugitive to law Quick man.
Quick man:BLAM! I told you I was gonna break free!
Security:You're son of a b**ch Quick man.

Mega man:Whoa he's bisexual, I didn't know that!
Terra:By the way, I'm bisexual! I forgot to announce it!

Gravity man:Welcome to my house. As you can see, I've knocked over many chairs because I get so tilted at the towers.
Star man:Uhh this isn't really tilted or a tower...
Gravity man:Well you see, it's a gamer pad. Not many girls come in here cause I get friendzoned so frequently. But that's okay.
Star man:I'd like to be in the friend zone. I'd like friends.
Gravity man:It's not as pleasant as you think. They don't treat you like a friend, they treat you like an item.

Snake man:Hey what's up good-looking(Gemini man),also hi Magnet.

Nitro man:That was an illegal left, by the way!
Top man:(laughing) Shut the f**k up!
Nitro man:Revali's Gale is now ready!
Quick man:Huh? WHAT?!

Heat man:There towers are quite tilted.
Crash man:Yes I tilted them myself. See we tried to make a game battle royale, but anyway-
Bubble man:Look at this. You ruined everything! This is all your fault!
Flash man:Crash. You—Listen, you got any weed on you? Like, since we're here-
Crash man:No, what...are you the only one who smokes weed here, Flash? Except for maybe Metal.
Heat man:Oh.
Speak for yourself, motherf**ker!

Wily:Back in my lair once more. How many times are you gonna run? I've captured you 17 different times!
Kalinka:I feel like it's gonna be at least 18.
Cossack&DCNs:(wheezing)(hysterical laughter)
Wily:The caucasity of this b**ch.

Dark man:No you can't be talking to Mega man anymore. You are not talking to Mega man.
Crystal man:You're not my DAD, don't f**king tell me what to do!

Dr.Light:WHO posted my NUDES on Twitter.com?!

Bass:Okay everybody shut up, shut up, shut up. Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!!!
Rock:None of us were talking about him.
Blues:I can't believe he came to his intervention drunk.
Rock:And sometimes it just be like that.

Rock:Hm the desert. Count how many sand is here Auto. That's your first mission.
Roll:Why the f**k would you make him do that?!!

Bass:Look at this orb, inside you'll see the future. In your future, it looks like you'll kiss 7 girls. How lucky for you.
Mega man:Jokes on you! If you were a true copy of me you'd know I'm gay!

Quick man:Top 30 reasons why Quick man is sorry, number 5 will surprise you!
Flash man:Top 30 anime deaths, number one: YOUR F**KING ASS RIGHT NOW!!!

Tornado man:What is the texture like Concrete?
Concrete man:It's rough...(snicker) It's real rough!(bursts out laughing)

Shadow man:Go on Metal man, don't you support gay rights?
Magnet man:(dying in the background)
Metal man:I do!
Shadow man:Look at this weird flame in front of me, it's REALLY BIG! Doesn't that intimate you?!
Metal man:Sorry I had you confused for Magnet man. I thought WE were getting married.
Shadow man:COME KISS ME BOY!

🎵All around me are familiar Fuses~
Worn-out Fuses~ Worn-out Fuses~🎵
Fuse man:Is that what a house looks like? Oh my god! This place is amazing! Where am I, the future?......
🎵Worn-out Fuses~🎵
Fuse man:Huh? I thought I heard a robot or something I dunno.

Slash man:I'm in the middle of nowhere again. I can't find my key-Hey you know what this place looks like? Looks like PUMPKIN HILL!(sings the pumpkin hill theme)

Wily:You son of b**ch. I'm gonna log into your Twitter and I'm gonna tell everyone what you said.
Light:Go ahead. I have 50 alternate accounts.
Wily:(villain chuckle) You fool. I have 70 ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNTS!!!

Sunstar:Now I have all colors of the rainbow, and I can unleash my true gay power!(maniacally laughs) Now everyone is my boyfriend!!!

Knight man:Ohh...I don't feel so good...Why are all my limbs slack?! Why can't I move my eyes? Why can't I move my mouth? Is this an internal dialogue?! I can't see the end of the horizon-(Hatsune Miku appears) HATSUNE MIKU?! IS THAT YOU?! Have you fought back to come put me out of misery?! Please! I don't like feeling like a slack 3-dimensional model!
Hatsune Miku(voiced by Centaur man):You're gonna have to beg a little bit harder than that motherf**ker.
Knight man:Please! PLEASE! This is not the kind of existence I can keep going with-
Hatsune Miku:What will YOU give ME?
Knight man:I will give you the satisfaction of snuffing out another life! Please! Just this once-
Tomahawk man:Hey what's going on over here? Is that f**king Hatsune Miku? Are you asking for death from Hatsune Miku?
Hatsune Miku:Yep!
Tomahawk man:Me next, me next, me next!
Hatsune Miku:m....................Maybe.
Knight man:Certainly you feel this horrible diminished existence too, Tomahawk. I can't be the only one who feels he is less than whole!

Splash woman:Where am I?! Why am I in a ship?
Pirate man:B**ch you are gon get in this car or I'm popping between ya eyes!
Splash woman:Wait I remember you! I saw your d*ck on Twitter!
Pirate man:OH GOD D

Wily:I've come to make an announcement: Mega man is a b**ch-ass motherf**ker. He pissed on my f**king robots! That's right, he took his robotic f**king d*ck out and he pissed on my f**king robots, and he said his d*ck was t h i s b i g, and I said that's disgusting. So I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com: Mega man, you got a small d*ck. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like.(explosion sounds) That's right baby, tall points, no quills, no pillows, look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong!(pauses for a few seconds) He f**ked my robots so guess what, I'm gonna f**k the earth! That's right, this is what you get! MY SUPER LAZER PISS!!! Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth. I'm gonna go higher, I'm pissing on the MOOOOON! How do you like that Thomas? I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT!!!(pauses for a few seconds again) You have 23 hours before the piss d r o p l e t s hit the f**king earth, now get out of my f**king sight before I piss on you too!
Everyone except Wily and Mega man:(wheeze-laughing) Oh my god!!!

Author's note:
Hey everyone, long time no see! Yes I can(finally) rest for two months! So if you have requests, please type it in the Requests open part!

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