Chill man

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You were lying on the bed,coughing,you didn't feel so good because of the illness.

"So what did I tell you yesterday."You looked at the doorway,Chill man was walking in with a wet towel and put it on your forehead.

"Sorry..."You said while coughing more.

You remembered that he told you not to play outside in a rainy day,especially when you didn't have an umbrella with you.

Chill man sighed and sat on a chair beside your bed.

"You are so lucky that I'm so willing to take care of you."He said.

" are truly a good friend...of mine."You said weakly.

Chill man paused a bit then nodded.

"Sleep now,I will buy you something to eat."He said and left the room.

You closed your eyes and immediately fell asleep.


An hour later,Chill man came back with some food,he entered your room and saw you sleeping soundly,he chuckled a bit then walked towards your bed,standing beside your bed.

"You silly..."He said quietly,then he bent down to kiss your forehead.

"I love you...."After saying that,he left the room.

But little did he know,you heard that and blushed a bit.

"I love you too...."


Really short I know.😓

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