Yandere Proto man

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He loved you so much but you loved someone else,at first he didn't do anything,but as his love for you had grown more,he couldn't take it anymore.

'Why you don't love me??Why you love that guy and not me???'Every time he saw you with your crush,he was so angry and sad at the same time.

He was wandering around the streets,then he saw a cat meowing at him,he squatted down to look at it.

But suddenly the cat stopped meowing,and it was lying in a pool of blood...and he also had some blood on his hands.

He killed it...

Then he started to laugh crazily.

'If I can't have you....then I have to destroy you!!'

Proto man,who was known as Mega man's brother,became crazy because of love.


You were on your way home,texting your crush,who was now your boyfriend.You were too concentrated on the phone to notice someone was behind you.

Something hit your head so hard and you fainted,a certain someone with sunglasses smiled in satisfaction.

Hours later,you woke up and saw yourself being tied on a chair in a basement,and you saw someone walking in,you were so relieved that it was Proto man,but he just stood there with a smirk on his face.

He approached you and grabbed your chin,like he cast a spell on you,you couldn't move,you shivered as you heard him laughing.

"So...you already have a boyfriend,don't you?"He said,showing your phone which was in his hand.

"P-Proto man....?"You called with your voice shaking.

Then your phone slipped from Proto man's hand,after it crashed on the ground,he fiercely stepped on it.


"Heh,with that,no one will know where you are~"He smirked.

Then your eyes widened when you saw him talking out a chainsaw.(OH MY GOD...)

"You know what?I love you so much but you don't love me,and you leave me no choice but to do this..."

The chainsaw was approaching your neck.

"So...say goodbye,my dear~~"

And everything went back.........

A few weeks later,the polices broke into the basement and the sight in front of them was so terrible.....they saw Proto man hugging your bloody head and lying in a pool of blood...


The second yandere story....this is creepier than the first one I think 🤔

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