Ch: 3 🌻

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Gulf's POV

My father came up to us as soon as we entered the gallery, smiling widely. "My son!" he said, opening up his arms to draw me into a hug. Then, he stepped back to look at me for a second, taking in everything that I was wearing.

"You look handsome. Here, there's someone I was hoping to introduce you to." He gestured towards another man standing a few feet back. I looked over and saw he was quite attractive. The man was tall, with green eyes and platinum blonde hair. His skin was pale, but it suited well, and he had an air of sophistication about him.

"Gulf, this is Mark Laurent, an art collector from Paris," my father said.

Mark stepped forward, smiling at me and brought out his hand for a shake-hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kanawut."

I snuck a glance back at Mew, wondering if he was taking this in or if he was jealous. Did he even care that there was someone else who was probably interested in me? It didn't seem like he did, but then again, his face was always stoic. I could never tell exactly what he was thinking or feeling. It was one thing about him I hated most. I wished I could see his emotions and that he didn't always feel the need to put on a mask.

Maybe it would be all right if I endeavored to make him jealous. Mark was right there and clearly interested, and Mew had just rejected me. He deserved it.

"It's nice to meet you," I said, putting on my most flirtatious smile while returning his shake. I could see my father's eyes light up. He must have hoped for this kind of outcome. Well, that was all right, I would give him the outcome he was looking for, and I would make sure Mew regretted rejecting me.

(A/n: Gulf came out to his father 1-2 years back so his father is aware of Gulf's interest in males)

"What kind of art do you collect?" I asked Mark.

He seemed pleased that I asked this question. "Oh, all kinds. I love paintings most, especially those that imitate a more rococo or fantastical sensibility. I've never been one much for abstract art, but recently I've been trying something new and collecting performance art."

I furrowed my brow. "How does that even work?"

"Oh, who knows at this point?" he said with a shrug. "Sometimes it's as simple as collecting the pieces left behind after the performance. Sometimes I have a performer do their art at my gallery, and sometimes it's the idea that I own that performance with nothing physical to show for it."

He had a hint of a French accent that I found incredibly sexy. He spoke English clearly, but that there was still a trace of his native language intrigued me.

I giggled. "That's so weird."

"Perhaps." He gave me a shrug and a little smile. "But it's interesting, don't you think?"

"I suppose so. I think it's rather confusing."

He threw his head back into a laugh and then showed an arm forward towards a direction indicating me to walk in the said direction. "Well, shall we take a tour of this show together, Mr. Gulf? Perhaps you can advise me on if there are any pieces I should add to my collection."

I smiled at him. A simpering, flirtatious little smile that portrayed what I hoped was interest. I hoped that Mew could see it from where he was standing.

I took the lead. "Yes, let's and you can call me by my name."

He nodded with a smile and took me around the gallery, showing me some pieces in the show that he liked. Some were plain in my taste. They didn't seem to have any heat on them. Though, I enjoyed one watercolor of a flower field with several intricate little fairies.

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