Ch: 23 ☀️

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Mew's POV

It was 8:25 in the evening, and I was about to get in line to board my flight to New York when my phone rang. I looked down to see the familiar contact name, and I wondered for a second if I should answer at all.

I considered putting the phone back in my pocket, but there was a possibility he might be calling about my family. There was a possibility that they might be in danger, and I knew that I couldn't ignore the call.


“Mew, thank goodness you answered," came Leonard Kanawut's voice from the other end. He sounded uncharacteristically panicked, and I wondered what could be going on with him.

“What's going on?” I asked, surprised that he hadn't opened up the call with a threat or a demand.

“Something terrible has happened, and to tell the truth, I need your help.”

“I'm about to board a plane,” I said. “I'm getting out of Chicago like you asked.”

"Well, don't. I changed my mind. I'll refund you for the ticket. Fuck it, I'll pay you twice or three times the amount of the ticket for you to not get on that plane. I need you to listen to what I have to say, Mew."

He had my attention. The panic in his voice and his offering me large sums of money to listen to him were all uncharacteristic. Something had to be seriously wrong. Maybe it was about Gulf, I realized. Panic began to set in, my stomach becoming heavy as I thought about him being in danger.

"Alright, I won't get on this flight. Tell me what's going on.”

"Gulf's been kidnapped."

“What?” I couldn't believe what I had heard. Gulf, kidnapped? No wonder Mr Kanawut was worried. He had men who could take care of the issue, so why was he calling me?

"I didn't want to believe it, either, but I just received the terms from Mark. Mark, of all people. He's taken Gulf hostage, and he has been making demands. I think he might have men on the inside. I can't trust anyone with this. I can't trust anyone other than you, Mew."

"I'm on my way right now. Send me your address, and I'll be there as soon as possible," I said, grabbing my bags and heading out from the terminal.

"I'm in downtown, currently at my regular residence. How soon can you be here?"

"Within an hour, hopefully," I replied, “I'll text you when I get cab. For the moment, hang tight and gather as much information as you can to have ready for me when I get there."

"Will do."

I hung up, immediately pulling up an app to call a car. I needed to get to Mr Kanawut as soon as possible. There were so many thoughts running through my head, mainly of concern for Gulf's safety. I didn't know what I would do with myself if he gets hurt.

There was also the hope that because Mr Kanawut had called me about this situation, he might be fine with the two of us being together after this. He had decided that I was the person most worthy of his trust when his son was in danger. It was a small hope, but it was still hope. I would take that over nothing any day.

I was right, and it did take me about an hour to get from Midway to Mr Kanawut's apartment downtown. He was anxiously waiting for me by the door, and the expression on his face scared me. Mr. Kanawut was a strong man, sometimes a cruel man. I had seen him do things that would make lesser men cower. Yet, what I saw in him now eradicated every assumption I had made about his character in the past years that I had worked for him. He did not look like the mob boss that I had grown to know him as but a father who was terrified for his son's safety.

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