Ch: 20 🌻

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Gulf's POV

I still couldn't believe that this had happened. Things had been going so well, and now this?

Watching Mew's back as he fled from the room made me want to cry all over again. Yes, it was good that my dad would not kill him, but was it really so much to ask that the two of us could be together peacefully?

I loved him, and he made me happy. Why couldn't my dad see that? Why couldn't he see that I would not be happy with Mark or anyone else? I wanted Mew, and nothing could change my mind.

I sank to the floor, feeling my heart deep in my stomach.

“How could you do this?" I asked, not able to look up. “Don't you know how much he means to me?"

"You should be thankful I'm not killing him.”

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. “But I love him!”

My dad kneeled beside me, taking my hand in his and squeezing it. “You'll see soon that what I'm doing right now is the best thing for you. Maybe not now, maybe not in a month, but eventually you'll understand. All I want is the best for you.”

I shook my head. “No, you don't want what's best for me. You want what's best for the mob and your ego, and you're fooling yourself into thinking that is best for me, but it's not.” I ripped my hand from his. “You don't understand how I feel for Mew or how he feels for me. You don't know what our relationship is or what we share with each other. Who are you to judge what is best for me?"

“I know you two never could have worked. The two of you are two different, and the power between you is unbalanced. Eventually, you would have grown unhappy, and then you would have seen that I was right all along. I'm saving you from that now. Can't you understand that?"

I shook my head. “No, you're not saving me, not at all. Not when I'm carrying his child.”

"What?" My father stood quickly, so quickly that I fell back to the floor. “What did you just say?"

“I–I haven't taken a test yet, but it's been a month since I started having morning sickness and also I can feel the changes in me,”

There were flames in his eyes, and he pulled his phone from his pocket, furiously tapping at the keys. I stood, scared of what he might do, and tugged on the sleeve of his jacket.

"Papa, don't. He doesn't know."

"He was still careless enough to get you pregnant. Don't worry, Gulf, I'll fix this. I will send people after him right now."

I choked back a sob. "No, don't! You can't hurt him. You said you wouldn't hurt him."

"That was before I knew that he had done such a blasphemous thing as taking your virginity and getting you pregnant. That's something I can't forgive. He will die for that."

“No, you can't. He didn't know that I'm hermaphrodite!" I tugged harder at his sleeve, making him look at me. "Please, you can't."

“Gulf, this could ruin everything. He can't live, not after what he's done."

“But he doesn't know that pregnant! There's no way he could know. I haven't told him. And—” I panicked. I knew that I would regret the words I would say later, but I had to save Mew's life. I couldn't let my dad kill him, not for something that he knew absolutely nothing about. I lied. "—I'll do whatever you want me to. Please. I'll marry Mark if that's what you want. I'll solidify the alliance for you, and I won't even complain, I promise."

My dad paused for a moment, seeming to consider the offer I had laid before him.

“But if you kill him, I swear I'll fight you every step of the way. I won't marry Mark, and I won't go to France, and I'll tell everyone what you've done and whose baby I'm pregnant with. I'll even go to the police. I mean it!"

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