☀️ Ch: 25 🌻

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Mew's POV

Our plan was simple. My men and I would make our way up to the presidential suite and bust down the door. They would subdue any of Mark's men, and I would go find Mark and Gulf.

After retrieving Gulf and making sure he was safe, we would leave Mark and send an anonymous tip to the police that would bring them to the hotel room. We would leave enough evidence of Mark's involvement in money laundering and other organized criminal activities for them to arrest him and, hopefully, sentence him to a life in prison.

It took me another hour to round up the men I needed, and then we headed to the hotel.

Thankfully, we weren't met with any resistance getting in, and the floor for the presidential suite did not require a keycard. I hadn't wanted to hold any of the employees at gunpoint. It would have brought the police to the hotel much too quickly, so I was glad that the first obstacle was easily surpassed.

Once we got to the presidential suite, we busted down the door, and my men began disarming and rounding up Mark's men. I rushed from room to room, trying to find where Gulf was being held. Finally, I entered one of the bedrooms, and the sight I saw was enough to make my blood boil.

Mark had Gulf pinned up against the bed, and he was crying. One hand of his had yanked Gulf's pants down, and Mark was clearly about to try to have his way with Gulf.

I had never experienced anger close to what I experienced when I saw Mark treating Gulf that way.

I lunged at Mark, pulling him off of Gulf with great force and pushing him back.

"How dare you?” I growled as Mark stumbled to find footing. I advanced on him, gun drawn. I wanted to kill him, right then and there. I almost did. But that would be too quick a death for this bastard.

If Gulf wasn't there, maybe I would have tortured him until he screamed for mercy, but I didn't want to frighten him. Clearly, he was already shaken, and he didn't need the image of me torturing Mark to add to the list of terrible things he had witnessed today,

"On your knees, now!" I barked, still pointing my gun at him, Mark scrambled to obey like the dog he was.

Your men have all been subdued," I explained. “No one's coming to save you, so I suggest you listen very carefully to what I'm telling you to do."

Not taking my eyes off of him, I said, “Gulf, I don't want to ask you, but will you grab the rope from my coat pocket?”

Silently, he padded over, still shaking, and withdrew the rope.

“Will you hold the gun while I tie him up?" I asked. “It's alright if you can't. You can go get one of the men I brought with me, but I thought it might be therapeutic to hold a gun to this slimeball's head,"

“I can do that,” he said, his voice shaky. He took the gun from my hands and pointed it at Mark. “I could kill you right now if I wanted to," he said, sounding as if he was about to break down into tears.

“You could kill him," I said. “Or we can let the police make his life miserable. I don't know about you, but I want him to suffer for as long as possible for what he's done."

He nodded and watched as I made quick work of tying Mark up. I noticed one of his hands was bandaged and bleeding, and I wondered if Gulf had gotten in a blow. I sincerely hoped so, but I wouldn't ask. I didn't want to risk doing anything to upset Gulf further. Then I placed the evidence for his arrest next to him, making sure it was out of his reach, and anchored him to one of the bedposts.

“That should do for now,” I said. “My men will finish up."

Gulf tightly wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face in my nape. I pulled him close to me and kissed the side of his head.

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